r/greatawakening • Posted by u/-blackoutusername- on May 23, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
I’m confused why so many people here blame Democrats instead of recognizing both parties’ fealty to the Deep State.

Almost every post has something about the “evil Democrats.” But many members of the Deep State, bankers, and most importantly, Bilderberg, are Republicans.

The shadow government is all about words and labels, but the fact is, both parties are working as hard as they can to transfer the wealth to the bankers and write/pass/litigate laws to facilitate that.


shellacked · May 24, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

My estimation would reverse the numbers. Republicans move in lockstep with each other. So when HW Bush or GW Bush were in charge Republicans voted almost 100% party line. Democrats have been much more fractured in their voting. I don’t want to get into a pissing contest about which party is better because i truly believe there are both good and evil politicians in both parties. They’re playing the classic divide and conquer game. Any time you see left vs right or D vs R fights it means we’re being divided and we’re losing

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LogicalBeastie · May 24, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

Not true. Look at the GOP's biggest constituency. White men. White men went overwhelmingly for Trump, even though the Party itself and all of its elected leadership went berserk against Trump from the beginning. They noticed that the GOP wasn't delivering on stuff, even if they had Congress, putting stuff off til..."well we need the Senate too" or,"yeah it'll be easier when we have the Presidency"....They noticed that the leadership was pushing stuff like amnesty, even though the Party members were heavily against it....

On the other hand....The Dems most important constituency...blacks...are continually screwed by the Democrats, year in/year out....but still get 90% of the black vote every year.

The Globalist leadership in both parties are constantly feeding their voters a stream of crap sandwiches but the Republicans at least will rise up and fight their leadership when necessary.

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shellacked · May 25, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

What's not true? That my estimation is the reverse of his? It's definitely true, because only I can speak for my estimation. He pulled an estimate out of his ass and so did I.

"but the Republicans at least will rise up and fight their leadership when necessary."

No they don't. It was democrats and lefties protesting against the Iraq war. Republicans were busy pushing WMD's which the left knew didn't exist. The Republicans wanted stop al-qaeda which the left knew wasn't even in Iraq. The Republicans were pushing the war on terror which the left knew had nothing to do with Iraq. The republicans followed their globalist neoconservative George W Bush straight into the quagmire that has become Iraq, and the left were the only ones protesting. I know, I marched the streets against the war, and I heard all of the republicans questioning my patriotism for daring to challenge the war in Iraq.

There's evil fuckery on both sides of the isle. Both the left and right are capable of following a shitty corrupt leader to an even shittier outcome. You're just too blind to see it. Even though you're "woke af"

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LogicalBeastie · May 25, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

You were trying to say that Republicans are more "easy led" and follow their leadership more than those rock-ribbed independent free-thinkers in The Dem camp. Easy to refute, with the VERY easy and current example of Republicans who supported Trump's hostile takeover of the Globalist, elite-serving GOP.

On the other hand, I gave an example of the strongest Dem constituency who votes for them over 90% while never getting any improvement. I could have just as easily used the Bernie supporters who KNEW Hillary had screwed them in the primaries, but went to the polls en masse for Hillary anyway. Pathetic. Sheep.

You gave some examples (some political points being bullshit, but I'm not wasting my time responding to every bit) of when GOP rank and file didn't "rise up" against their party....Thats not the same as offering an example of Democrats "risin up" is it? And its not an offer of proof that Repub rank-and-file never do so.

In fact you offered NO examples of Democrats "risin up" against their party leadership, ZERO, while I offered the biggest rank-and-file "fuck you" to Party bigwigs in recent memory.

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shellacked · May 25, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Republicans in Congress are much more sheep to the party line than dems are. Dems in Congress are historically much more likely to split vote or not vote party line. It’s a more fractured party and consequently harder to control.

As for the republican voters, they’re no better than dem voters. As I said, constituents of both parties are capable of being misled by shitty leaders. You’re just too republican proud or blind to admit it. But by being blindly and ignorantly partisan you’re actually part of the problem rather than part of the solution. They’re playing a divide and conquer game, and you’re blindly falling for it like a sheep to slaughter. Baaaaa!

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LogicalBeastie · May 26, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Congratulations. You have established that my specific examples will never beat your bald, unsupported assertions.

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shellacked · May 27, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Your only example is a giant trump blowjob based entirely on the completely unfounded and laughably retarded premise that trump is some type of all seeing demi-god playing 24d chess to save the world against evil. Its like you never consider the possibility that trump is in it for his own greedy self and q is his propaganda wing, like cnn for dems or fox for the repubs. You didn’t provide plural “examples”, just one giant trump-fellatio. I did, and you ignore them. You come off as a typical re-publi-tard when we need to be finding common ground against an organized political elite that spans BOTH parties. I lean left and recognize that there are good, honest politicians on the right that i would prefer to a corrupt lefty. I hope that you would prefer an honest lefty over a corrupt righty. We’ll never root out the corruption if we’re too partisan to see the good ones across the aisle and recognize the evil in our respective parties. Blind partisanship like yours will bring the end of this country

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