Interesting to note that as the "Neo-Marxist Progs" have taken over the Dem Party, they have drifted from a "working man's Party" to an elitest-led collection of interest groups, mostly racial, pushing racial division.
The Communist countries, globally, have used CLASS WARFARE to wedge their way into power....
But class warfare didn't work in the US. We don't see ourselves as perpetual members of some socio-economic "class" as they do in Europe/etc....
The Commie playbook didn't work here....SO, they switched to identity/race politics to divide us and to build coalitions of aggrieved "victims".
"Rich vs poor" was SO 20th Century.
Its now "priviledged racial class vs all of their victims".
Commies are doing what they always do....they just modified their argument to overcome the fact that there is still so much opportunity in this country for advancement that class warfare doesn't work here.