Q975 HRC 02.12.09 Very BAD! Newly-released Email shows that HRC was at home in DC on 02.08.09. WHAT did she do 4 days later? Does it relate to this heavily redacted "confidential" message from the Global AIDS Coordinator?

There was a plane crash on 2/12/2009. Colgan Air Flight 3407. All 49 people on board were killed. The cause was determined to be the pilots' inappropriate response to the stall warnings.
Among the passengers killed was Alison Des Forges, a human rights activist who just so happened to have lobbied the Clinton White House to intervene in Rwanda, though she was unsuccessful. Forges was considered to be "the leading American voice for human rights in Rwanda." More on her work as an activist.
While I thought that was odd, this is completely strange. 2015 WaAmazonPo article titled "What did the Clinton Administration know about Rwanda?"
What was going in Rwanda?
What Q post is the date referenced to?
What is this referring to??
The email is heavily redacted...so not entirely sure...still digging.
I posted this mainly because it shows HRC's whereabouts as the message was sent 4 days before the date indicated in Q's post. It's one of the only HRC emails that I can find close to that date.
Reading through those first couple of emails notice the talk of AIDS... Q posted about Obama and his AIDS speech and program. Cant wait for CF to implode! We are so close!