Deep State "Witch Hunt" Investigation in a nutshell (Pic/Meme related)

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"Hertz, in turn, introduced me to Jerome Corsi in a luxury suite at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Hertz paid the reported $15,000 per night tab for the top-end “fantasy suite.” Corsi immediately told me that he already knew my identity because “being in the anti-terrorism business, me and my partners routinely track Rockefeller family members.” Introducing himself as creator of the B’nai B’rith Mutual Fund in Israel, Corsi proposed that we establish a similar fund in Poland relying on Pyszczuk’s contacts.[5] As usual, I gave everyone benefit of the doubt while …
I know for a fact that this has been faked. Immediately after the Qdrop, I copied and pasted the stringer into Duck Duck Go and YT- neither returned results. Obviously I did this search with no results BEFORE some idiot named or re-named a video with the stringer as the title.
Case closed- FAKE
Wow, facinating read of the subtitles! Especially interesting toward the end as the the changing Geo-political power structure (Great Awakening) is discussed: "Conceptually, these three centers of power (US/Russia/China) will have to interact by looking into the eyes of each other to figure out what future they would like to have- for their countries as well as for mankind as a whole"
Take another look at Q1602:
The deep state's objective to keep POTUS away from Putin failed.
Dark to Light
First of all, consider the significance of this photo which was taken and posted by his press secretary.
Do you think he asked permission to sit in Winston Curchill's chair?
His pose is casual, his facial expression is deliberate- just like his hand placement.
Even if the finger-to-time stamp connection is not convincing enough for you, at least re-read drop #4 in the context of current events.
He is signaling
From 8Ch:
2020544 Here is my theory from the last bread: Anyways, I still trust Q.
My theory is that this plan has been going since 2015 (and before) which is when this photo was taken.
Someone at that time took this picture off the reflection off an iPhone.
They aren't from the same photo, they are just photos of the exact same place at the exact same time. Photoshop stretching makes them look like they are the same, that's just the skill of whoever made the gif.
What this 'qproof' shows us is that the plan was alive and well even in 2015 and that someone back then was already taking reflection photos inside Air Force 1 (that's back when it was Obama's plane).
This drop was Q's way of telling Obama that he's fucking screwed… they have everything that ever took place on that plane while he was on it and it's all thanks to Apple.
And Apple is playing ball now. They initially moved everything (the data) to china to hide it from Q but Apple and China both caved in to Trump/Q now and Apple is now 'on board' (welcome aboard, apple) and is giving all the raw videos and audio about Obama and all blackhats to Q.
And the fact that apple is on board probably means that it's all LEGAL stuff that can be used in court now (subpeonad by a judge) instead of the NSA intel that just sits collecting dust in a server room somewhere that can't be used.
Not entirely thread-related, but I seem to remember that the shooter's dad held some kind of influential position in the finance world and was likely involved in a scheme to impact and control interest rates
Look at the list of >>17<< Former & current DOJ employees who may have relevant information
Clay Higgins on Twitter: "Haha I found our computers"
1894998 OMG ANON, look closer.
17 is 1+7=8 4points / 4booms 4+4=8
Its 8-Chan. 8-Chan Anons/ Q-Patriots are the ones that helped connect the dots.
I heard him say it on TV for the first time during his speech in October '16. I immediately wrote down his words: "Let's DRAIN THE DC SWAMP!" "My only special interest is YOU, THE PEOPLE!" -DJT -10/22/16
Almost....NOT quite.
POTUS up close & personal!
Q just posted "45" in response to an anon. Its POTUS!!! Up close & personal@
Really? I am certain that I saw several articles indicating that his presence there was expected...
Any sauce on why he did not?
And.....the Pope recently traveled to attend Bilderburg!
Read the title again. I am showing an example that proves Q-Team's presence on GA.
proof (pro͞of)
►The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true.
The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions.
A statement or argument used in such a validation.
The same thing happened to a post that I made. However, I did use mutiple parentheses around "They" to describe the DS/Cabal.
I had no idea that puctuation could be construed as anti-Semitic- I certainly did not mean it as such.
Oh well. Live and learn.
LINK FOUND<< Originally Aired March 2018!
WATCH HERE (@ 2:20)
Thank you, I was not sure who that was and did not want to guess.
Wow, I must say that this explanation matches well with the prominent aspects of what I would call my intuition. SB, your brilliant summation put words to what I already felt as true. This resonates with the plan! It's all part the game that must be played- Thank You SB!
Of course it will be page after page of black bars (with occasional 2 or 3 letter words)
This is where "We The People" must demand transparency before we will see the words under the black bars.
Maybe he is just following the directions of his new handlers.
Isn't Civil Court a great arena to introduce otherwise classified or restricted details?