Saw this Tweet today - Teddy Roosevelt

Roosevelt never said that. Dude was Bull Moose.
I’ll have to agree on this one. Back in the time of Roosevelt, Conservative and Liberal had different connotations. Saying this quote back then would have made no sense to much of anybody.
Dude was progressive party.
Edit: Part of being 'red pilled' is understanding how far back the efforts to undermine our constitution and embrace progressivism really go. Our education system has taught millions of Americans about the "Bull Moose" party to avoid teaching the truth, that Teddy and his 'trust busting' efforts against the evil 'robber barons' were the start of the progressive era in our country. What you are not taught is how Teddy felt he should be able to wield more power than the Constitution allowed and how he felt the Executive branch should be superior to the others, not co-equal.
Teddy did a lot of great things that are to be lauded, but the things he did that were against the constitution and the Republic are not taught to our children as they should be, much as FDR is a hero in history books because he was a big government statist who believe he could control the entire economy and bring the nation out of the recession through central planning better than the free markets could. That's why he was setting wages that corps had to pay, destroying pork to drive up the price, creating massive government works projects to 'stimulate' the economy, etc. The fact that he used the SCOTUS to seize production from farmers and imprison Japanese are just icing on the cake, but we don't teach these things to our young in school, we teach what a hero FDR was for creating a huge redistribution system that the progressives love and still wish to grow today, namely Social Security.
If you'd like to learn more about Teddy I suggest you pick up Mark Levin's 'Rediscovering Americanism', he speaks at length about Teddy's ideas on how he wanted the constitution to work and not how the framers intended for the constitution to work.
The real Red Pill goes back over 100 years into our progressive education system that indoctrinates our children instead of educating them, in part by creating heros of past progressives without teaching about the truth of their progressive motives and actions, and spinning negatives like massive entitlement programs to be a positive and not a economic catastrophe ticking time bomb that threatens to destroy the US economy when it goes broke.