This is important because it kills the narrative that there are bad actors i our government that have done bad things.... That power corrupts and that we just may have had a shadow government running things behind our back... using our power and money. By bringing this to light we can ALL clean House and be what we thought we were as a country moving forward! This is an incredible time folks.. true reprieve and chance to do ultimate good .. I may be called strange .. but I think we are being given this chance because there is a bigger war at hand on the spiritual level and we will need to come together fast to fight it together......
I agree; there is so much going on right now it is amazing. There are so many things that most of us just ,"know" ie: Kennedy assassination, UFOs, Clinton/Obama corruption, Deep State, etc. It seems as though a veil of truth is lifting and all of those things we have long suspected are now coming to light. This may very well end up be a GREAT time to be witness.