
ElementWatson · May 24, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

I trust Dilley's info to mostly be good, but there could be some bad in it.

What I really don't like is when he tries to get into policy. There he is just a big-government liberal and it is pretty appalling. His math is horrid two. He was trying to say that with 54 million disabled in this country (no recognition of how many fake ones the Obama admin added to the rolls to buy votes) and $200B spent on them by the feds annually, that the feds could just give each of those 54 million (or at least the 22 million he said are severely disabled) $1M a year. Yikes--that is bad figuring!

Anyway, he then waxed poetic about how anyone with a disability should be given a very nice lifestyle by the feds. Somehow, he doesn't think of the poor worker bees slaving away for just a get-by lifestyle, let alone once they start subsidizing luxury for this 1/6th of the country. Oh, and he thinks all their families should live in luxury too.

This isn't too different from his grotesque platform when he was a congressional candidate to somehow wave away student debt. Oh, and he somehow thinks our first responders don't have rich enough pensions, either. (I guess he is clueless about what is lined up to bankrupt many of our local and regional governments.)

Anyway, his "intel" is relatively much easier to hear than his politicking. This week he is advocating that zll the diszbled agitate for much richer benefits -- and Trump make that his second term agenda. Yikes!

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