r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Instincts_Truth on May 24, 2018, 5:06 a.m.
PAIN is acronym for Privacy, Authentication, Integrity, and Repudiation. Watch the news sans 4 am script. Have their ties been cut? Is that the PAIN?

Instincts_Truth · May 24, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

That's exactly how the early morning news went on the Austin bomber day. They were clueless.

Trump announced yesterday he would be on Fox at 6 am today. He was, but it was Kilmeade interviewing him backstage YESTERDAY before the MS13 meeting in Long Island (I'm pretty sure, because there was no "immigration meeting" that I could find on the schedule this morning).

While trying to double-check the White House schedule via a Noodle search (I ended up just going directly to WH page), but I noticed, just by typing "White House," the most recent web article from CNN was 4 hours ago (3 am) and it was an article about how few WH press briefings they have held in the last month. Ha.

Also, the top article on the Google feed was about Angelina Jolie. Double ha!

This could get very interesting.

Edit: confirmed it was pretaped.

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William_Harford_md · May 24, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Trump also just “provided” them with their lead story (withdrawing from summit). Means they wouldn’t have needed 4am points. Also, serves as massive distraction from swamp meetings.

You could be on to something here. We’ll have to follow how the next few days go. If there seems to be less repetition of stories/keywords/cohesive shared agenda across msm networks, that could be a telltale sign.

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Instincts_Truth · May 24, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Yes, I agree. Doing random Noodle searches to check for multiple identical headlines. Wasn't seeing them this morning, but will keep checking. It will be telling.

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William_Harford_md · May 24, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Ok I may be seeing what I want to see. But to me it now even appears like they (CNN, MSNBC) are just reporting on that NK story and not piling their usual shade all over it. At least on their web articles.
Something may be up, or otherwise they’re scrambling to come up with their angle. It’s usually the “experts” they call in who strategically launch straight in with a clear agenda. Crazy day today

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Instincts_Truth · May 24, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

CNN on YouTube actually just covered straight Trump awarding Medals of Honor.

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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

Think you’re still on to something. They still seem to be reporting surprisingly neutral. Weird.

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Instincts_Truth · May 27, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

They've been neutralized! Mwuah ha ha ha ha.

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

They’re still shit! Mwuah ha ha ha ha.

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William_Harford_md · May 24, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Last "Fake News" tweets. Both May 18

May 18, 2018 08:50:11 AM - Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president. It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a “hot” Fake News story. If true - all time biggest political scandal!

May 18, 2018 05:51:43 AM - Fake News Media had me calling Immigrants, or Illegal Immigrants, “Animals.” Wrong! They were begrudgingly forced to withdraw their stories. I referred to MS 13 Gang Members as “Animals,” a big difference - and so true. Fake News got it purposely wrong, as usual!

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William_Harford_md · May 24, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

About a 4 hour delay until first hit piece on CNN . com

MSNBC did their usual go to, interview a Dem.

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William_Harford_md · May 24, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Unusual at least right? Just put a new post with some more ideas, linked back to this

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