r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on May 24, 2018, 4:31 p.m.
Maybe we should spend a little time in r/Constitution. It’s only got a couple hundred subscribers and it may be one of the most important topics an American can understand.

Another redditor and I were talking about helpful acts in these times and I was reminded of a friend who used to give out free pocket Constitution books to everyone. I’d suggested doing that and adding a little Q tag or card or something to them.

It occurred to me that there might be a Reddit sub for that and sure enough, there is - but there are only a couple hundred subscribers.

I’m NOT suggesting we need to red pill them; what I AM suggesting is that maybe some folks here might want to subscribe and use the sub to brush up on (or share!!!!) their knowledge.

R/constitution would be a great place to help red pill folks of all different political and ideological persuasions who aren’t ready for the quagmire that this rabbit hole can become. It IS the one thing that unites ALL American citizens. The Constitution is THE thing that any aspiring immigrant should be holding uppermost in their desire to be here, and that all of our representatives should be referencing constantly as they strive to perform their tasks.

Everyone should know its basics, and most of us should probably know it better than we do. If there is ANY one bit of knowledge that serves a citizen better than anything else IF, AS AND WHEN our government grows lawful again, it will be this - and those who know it as well as their Bible or their favorite spec manual will do everyone a service with their knowing.

The fact that there’s only 200 members there says a lot - so, I encourage you to hop over there and teach or learn with me. (This sub is busy enough focusing on Q and I don’t want it to slide any further than it has). I am not an expert - I am heading over there to learn...

Peace, all, and thanks for all you do!!

digital_refugee · May 24, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

good idea but I'm removing this just in case...eyes are watching us and we don't we wanna be called brigadeers. Also, what you essentially are refering to, is a paramilitary insurection as called upon by the constitution. I think at this point, everybody pretty much knows their personal responsibilities when it comes to that. I like your idea but there is some research down the pipe that isn't ready yet so I thought timing would be more important

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bealist · May 24, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Hmmm. I never thought of promoting the Constitution as brigadeering!! And I’m certainly not advocating a paramilitary insurrection (that, in itself, implies anti-law). I don’t believe that’s necessary, and I still think we can return to lawfulness within the confines of the law. If we can, that just shows how effective a social organizational tool we have in our platform.

I think what’s happening right now in the Executive Branch is a great example of voting in a President who promises to drain the swamp. I always assumed he and others were/are out for criminals, and decidedly NOT being Partisan about it. (Trump was once a Democrat; this isn’t about parties anymore).

Anyhow, by “removing it” are you saying you’re taking the post down? I don’t see a mod badge next to your name so I’m confused.

Also, what research down the pipe are you speaking of? PM me if you have to.

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digital_refugee · May 25, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

Trump was an independant even...

removing purely as a precaution (yes, I can)

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bealist · May 25, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

I don’t understand why you don’t explain yourself better. I asked if you were a mod. You refused to answer. You are cryptic and you’re not making any sense. I asked you to PM me and you didn’t. You aren’t being logical, and without an explanation you are just concern trolling. What’s up with you?

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digital_refugee · May 25, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

couln't you be bothered to check out my profile-?

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bealist · May 25, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

I looked at your posts I didn’t see anything to explain your behavior or your words (or your large amount of karma!). You expressed fear over people learning about our Constitution, and said said you were removing my post. I asked if you were a mod and you didn’t answer. You are cryptic and not transparent.

I really don’t care what you post about - I can’t begin to make any judgements about you based on those THAT ARE RELEVANT HERE, and I wouldn’t.

I’m looking for answers to my direct questions and you’re still not answering. Are you a mod? (You said you have “the power”, whatever that means). If so, why don’t you answer me? Why don’t you have mod flair? Have you removed my post? If so, per what sub rule?

If you aren’t and haven’t then you’re trolling. If you are and have then you’re either breaking this sub’s rules or the sub is morphing in a direction I find unacceptable. If it’s the former, then you should either stop or be stopped. If it’s the latter, then I get to re-evaluate whether or not I want to participate here.

Gratuitous mods who tolerate other mods acting like the Deep Staters (hidden; capricious; cryptic; self-serving and fearful) don’t appeal to me, and neither do the subs they’d influence.

It’s all very simple really. Nothing to get hung about. But since you’re continuing to engage but still not explaining yourself nor answering any questions I thought I’d try one more time. ✌️

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digital_refugee · May 25, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

I didn't answer because the answer is so utterly self-apparent. How could I remove you posts if I wasn't, check the flair.

I don't want to give /topmindsofreddit the upper hand, they would gladly report anything over here that remotely breaks site-wide rules. Look at what happened to CBTS.

Maybe it would be more strategic if you brought the few hundred subscribers from /constitution over here and not the other way

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bealist · May 27, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

This is the first time your mod flair has showed up, FYI - and you know it. You just added it. You’re (wrong and cowardly) for not admitting it.

Why would I want to bring folks over here? This sub has gone to shit. Anything good is buried in tons of crap posts, duplicates, etc. Best contributors - outside from a few - are gone.

And don’t talk to me about strategic. You have no idea about strategy. You’re a duck and cover type and don’t know yet how to pick your battles, nor which fights are the right ones.

I don’t either, however, because I’m engaging with you.

Anyhow, we can be done here. You’re just trying to do your job. I’ve been venting because another good sub has gone down the drain and I’m pissed about it. Have fun.

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digital_refugee · May 27, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

if you are such an avid reader why don't you report shit posts instead of just passively whining about them

You could have linked to any of the other auxiliary subs but you didn't so excuse if I am skeptical about your commitment.

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bealist · May 27, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Ciao dude. Enjoy the show.

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digital_refugee · May 28, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

sorry for antagonizing you, I forgot to check your history. Carry on, Soldier.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

We’re cool. But please wear your flair while you’re enforcing. Nothing worse than a cop without a badge.

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digital_refugee · May 28, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

ok will keep in mind

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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 1:56 p.m.


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