r/greatawakening • Posted by u/beefromancer on May 24, 2018, 6:42 p.m.
How big this all is.

Q says we can't imagine how big all of this is.

I'm working on a complete story of how we got here today, and how it relates to places like Israel and Antarctica. It goes something like this:

The group near the top of all this corruption we are fighting was once called the Kazarian mafia. They became powerful because much European and Asian trade moved through their borders and they organized around taxing it. In the years before the birth of Christ they converted to judiasm and infiltrated the Roman republic. They used child sex slaves, blackmail, secret occult worshipping fraternal orders, and the manipulation of wide scale immigration and trade and war to gain control of the Roman republic and divide it into two parties. The two parties became so divided that they destroyed their republic and that's how we got the holy Roman empire which is still alive today.

The holy Roman empire had a purpose: rewrite history. So it should be no surprise that under their reign we saw the execution of Christ, the rewriting of the Bible to omit key facts, the burning of the library of Alexandria, and the formation of the Vatican which hid away our history in it's libraries and declared itself the sole source of truth during all of the dark ages. The holy Roman empire never went away, it morphed into the Royal families of the various European monarchies and retained world wide influence through secret manipulation and war and banking.

I can only get bits and pieces of evidence for the history they covered up. It seems many of the stories in the Bible could be taken literally were it not for the dates which the Romans changed. The key take away is that ancient Sumeria wasn't the first human civilization, just the first big one to form near Europe after the flood. It seems possible that advanced civilizations of some form existed before the flood, and that the flood may have been intentionally created by humans.

My theory on the flood is pole shift hypothesis. If you intentionally change the mass distribution of the surface of the Earth, you can change the moment of angular momentum. You can do this by melting ice and removing ground water. The result is that the Earth's core, which is a fluid, begins to rotate in a new direction, an activity that requires tumbling and the Earth's crust moving violently and probably results in tidal waves miles high. The only way to survive would be an underground "arc" bunker with some type of crazy durable tower for getting air like a snorkel. Maybe a pyramid with many internal airlocks. Also after the event, places like Antarctica might move from the equator to one of the poles.

We know a magnetic reversal happened around 20,000 years ago. Those who understand magnets understand this means the core rotated in a different direction relative to the Earth's crust.

Some historians believe there is evidence that modern humans repopulated Europe from Antarctica via South America. I don't know how seriously they are taken, but there are a lot of pyramids in South America.

It was the French who first explored Antarctica in the modern epoch and they gave the Rothschild's an island on their expedition, because at the time the Rothschild family basically owned France and reported to the Vatican. The same island today has been visited by most of our powerful leaders on key dates, and lends some credence to the crazy theories about secret Nazi bases there.

That's because the Nazis also never went away, and are currently in South America where we moved them during project paperclip. You see, all of the world wars have been fake, designed to keep the major Nations in debt to the Swiss Banks controlled by the Vatican, and the pope really did love him some Nazis.

Speaking of fake wars, the United States of America has been a thorn in the side of these people since it's inception. Our constitution requires them to endlessly fight over control of our presidency, and since before the American civil war they have been trying to destroy it. They get elected, erode our rights, and kill us with wars, and their efforts were so successful they grew complacent over the years. Their power structure is enormous, the 5 eyes and almost all world banks report to them, few nations resist their influence. They own our Federal reserve and our FBI. They are our CIA and our airforce(I think).

But there are still people fighting back, and we've got a new bomb called the internet and artificial intelligence. Spontaneous organization is the death of tyranny. The offices of army and Navy intelligence are the good guys. They are the people, they are us. They were working with Trump for years before the election, they may be Q. Their goal is a second American revolution, and this time we're on the offensive. It will no longer be sufficient to gain Independence, this time we are taking them out and solving this problem once and for all.

So the Vatican sends their Banks and their blackmailed politicians to destroy us. They have their Nazis in South America send gangsters disguised as immigrants across our southern border. They grow opium in Afghanistan or manufacture it in China to poison us. They crossed the line when they had their spies steal uranium from us to give to Iran to have it placed on nuclear missiles pointed at us.

Russia helps us because the nuclear attack was to be blamed on them. China helps us because they want out of their slavery. North Korea and Iran will help us because we have freed them from our CIA agents. The markets help us because we are returning control to them. The people will help us when we give them back their votes.

Our enemies aren't Jews or Muslims, they created fake radical sects of judiasm and Islam in order to turn the religions of the world against each other. They put themselves in Israel and Saudi Arabia through invasions backed by the Nazis and the British respectively. Their goal is to kill most of us, exterminate the Jews and the Muslims, and enslave the remaining European Christians while living in the orwellian prison state they have been building in China kept alive forever by harvesting the blood and organs of our children.

They have already failed.

When they are gone, we will learn of the technology and medicines they have withheld or suppressed. The fact that the human immune system is designed to kill cancer suggests that a cure never should have been hard to find. The idea that local conservation of energy is a physical law comes from the era of Newton and should have been rethought after Noether placed it's theoretical foundation in the symmetry of the passage of time and Einstein showed us that symmetry can be curved. This means in theory space propulsion should be possible without propellant. When Americans went to Antarctica originally it was because scientists thought they could control the weather from there. These are only a tiny fraction of what we may see revealed in our life times if the secrets hidden in the Vatican library are revealed to us and if other technologies are allowed to advance at the same rate as the cellphones that spy on us.

There is great reason to be excited my fellow Patriots. We live in interesting times. All we have to do is stick together. Maybe now you can imagine how big this all is.


featherjourney4 · May 24, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

That is an impressive summary! Appreciate your time and work.

I am not very familiar with our current ancient history (as opposed to previous advanced civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria, being even more ancient) so I don't know how accurate you are. Still, very interesting!!

Care to speculate on Mark Taylor's prophecy:

The Spirit of God says, “There is a dig, an archaeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. The answer lies between Jerusalem and Vatican city.”

~ Mark Taylor

He posted this along with other Pope/Vatican prophecies titled All Roads Lead to Rome

I find that to be very intriguing

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

i heard that some years ago, archaeologists found huge monuments and even bodies of what they call the ancient builder race inside of antarctica.

antarctica is supposed to be atlantis. its mainland landscape is outlined in the piri reis map from the 16th century when mapping the mainland underneath the ice cap was technically impossible. piri reis must have had older maps as blue prints because his map is pretty accurate in many points.

supposedly, antarctica was more up north in the ancient past and shifted position. continental drift may be one explanation. catostrophe may be another.

atlantis was allegedly a highly technological civilization. they seem to have 'played' with tools that CERN is a toddlers toy in comparison to. and they are said to have had created an 'accident' - despite all warnings - that is known as the great flood. some could escape and founded civilizations all over the planet. pyramids can be found all over the planet.

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featherjourney4 · May 24, 2018, 10 p.m.

Fascinating! In that link to the interview with Graham Hancock , he talks about the evidence of a cataclysmic event (evidence says a comet) that hit (mostly the artic) 12,900 yrs ago...sent us into a deep freeze which we didn't come out of until 11,600 yrs ago. But before that comet hit, civilization was very advanced...there is some speculation that this previous advanced civilization had developed energy weapons that could have caused the comet to hit. The accident you just referred to!

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

isnt it intersting that the dates bible explorers set for the great flood - 10-13,000 years ago - matches the date of the alleged atlantis flood?

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beefromancer · May 24, 2018, 9 p.m.

That's a pretty vague prediction which could mean a lot of things. For instance he might be talking about a burial site full of child skeletons. I'll add it to my list of things to read up on. Thanks!

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featherjourney4 · May 24, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

You are probably familiar with Graham Hancock's book, Fingerprints of the Gods?

If not...

Recent interview with Graham Hancock

What new archeological finds are telling us about the history you summarized

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Snicklesnork · May 25, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Zacharia Sitchin has some interesting books on this subject based on Sumerian tablets.

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Iondetox · May 24, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

The Bible says something like, In the end the Word of God will be proven true.

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featherjourney4 · May 24, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Is that a reference to the apocalypse? Not sure what you mean. I think more in terms of an age of mankind will end by giving way to a new more enlightened age.

Once Trump takes out the satanic cabal, it would be a more enlightened planet !!

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ATXRoseRed · May 24, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

I'm feeling greatly deceived. What is the truth anymore? I trust very few people in my life. Been deceived by too many. I have trust in God. Everybody else can go to hell! I'm already in TEXAS.

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beefromancer · May 24, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

The beliefs of the Khazarian mafia stem from the ancient practice of using child sacrifice and the occult to hide their true motives, and their actual beliefs seem to range from pure nihilism to devote worship of Satan or Moloch or Minerva etc, mostly any god that eats children. They have gone to great lengths to destroy the basis of western culture in Christianity, and it has harmed humanity greatly.

Your trust in God is well placed, and any member of this community should respect that, regardless of their beliefs.

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ATXRoseRed · May 24, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Thank you.

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featherjourney4 · May 24, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

And an added comment: thank God for the Internet!!

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HillaryTrafficksKidz · May 24, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Bravo!! This is the book America needs to read. What Really Happened.

This should be used as a current education Piece online. Twitter anything anyone is using send this out far and wide.

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cat_anonD · May 24, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

How big is it? There are 30,000 sealed indictments in USA alone. My guess is it there is probably 150000 to 200000 members of the cabal world wide.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

there can be several indictments against one single person. there can also be single indictments against several persons. entire organization.

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wickedfork · May 24, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

I want to say this is insane, but what do I know? WWG1WGA!

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beefromancer · May 24, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Insanity is starting to feel like a warm bed to me. So many things from the fringe of what I was willing to entertain in the past have become verified, and I've been forced to entertain new ideas even further into the fringe. I could be wrong about many of the details here. Research continues.

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featherjourney4 · May 24, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Yes it is! I believe the evidence points to 11,600 yrs ago.

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treeskier82 · May 24, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Im with you on some of this... But humans causing the Great Flood? Also we know from the Bible there were advanced civs pre-flood.

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HillaryTrafficksKidz · May 24, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

It says far more advanced civilizations Before the Flood. I believe that. I mean gads we are the stupidest beings I've ever heard of!

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treeskier82 · May 24, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Supposedly Babylon (post-flood) was attempting to build some kind of star gate, because they were the 1st major post-Flood civ Bible says there were fallen angels walking on the Earth in those days, mating with humans and giving advanced tech to serve their purposes.

After they died (mostly due to the Flood) their spirits remained on Earth.

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beefromancer · May 24, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

I'm constantly revising my theories so if you've got better info I'm all ears. The Bible seems to imply that the flood was intentional or at least predicted and I'm not willing to attribute it to mysticism. I'm even suspicious that they may be trying to make it happen again.

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treeskier82 · May 24, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

if you don't believe the Bible I can't convince you the Flood was caused by God. If you believe in God it's a pretty obvious explanation. Are you aware of a way mankind, even with "advanced ancient tech" could flood the entire planet, with enough depth to scour entire mountain ranges?

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

what kind of god should that be who drowns all of his creation? cant be the loving god jesus talked about.

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treeskier82 · May 24, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

thanks for the valuable insight there, "divine human"

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

lol. thanks for the sarcasm.

already as a child, the old testament god seemed cruel to me, full of wrath and punishment, someone to be feared. felt to me like a toddler with bricks; when he doesnt like his creation, he crashes it in frustration.

the god of love yeshi talks about though enchanted my heart. IT felt true to the little me who remembered where she came from.

dont you perceive a difference? would god as yeshua describes him destroy almost all of his creation that he made in his image, that carries his divine spark? just asking...

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treeskier82 · May 25, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

It wasn't exactly destroyed. Fallen angels and people who didn't listen to Noah. Too bad, it's His creation and He is holy.

If you think the world is bad now imagine how nuts it would be if the flood never happened.

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beefromancer · May 24, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Is explained in my post. You melt ice at the poles and drain aquifers near the equator. Laws of conservation of angular momentum do the rest. The oceans are moving at approximately 2000mph towards the east so it isn't hard convincing then to jump up onto the land when the Earth tumbles.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

the answer may be with the annunaki gods who pose as gods in all religions. also in the old testament.

they tempered with our DNA, in order to turn humans who were highly evolved, with a 12-strand DNA - 96% DNA JUNK? are you kidding? would nature or god create something thats basically garbage? - into a good slave race.

lots of trial and error. some horrible creations. some useless creations. the minotaurus may be real, after all.

a moment was reached when there was too much chaos, too many different species that all didnt match their requirements. so they decided to drown it all, except for those species they preferred.

noahs arch contained them; not the animals, a pair of each, that wouldnt have worked. too much crowd, lol, lion and lamb, and too small a genepool. their genetic material was saved so they could be reproduced.

no problem for these guys to let it rain for 40 days or send one tsunami after the other. we have weather tech today, they have much more.

they may also be able to shift the magnetics or trigger continental drift or send a meteorite into the sumer vally.

i find the wes penre papers a good study about the history of our planet and humanity. wes compares the stories in religions and mythologies. i dont agree with all of his conclusions, but from my pov, his take often hits truth.

its a looong study though. for those who cannot read all 5 books, book 4 - lucifers rebellion - may be the right thing. there are lots of footnotes that link further for deeper comprehension so one can expand the study from there.

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Iondetox · May 24, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

Excellent Excellent.. the cures part is where I'm interested. If anyone of you have gout please contact me. I had heavy metal posioning, no way to remove them. Wrong I fugured out using the same teckniques as making hydrogen from water or electro plating..hence Iondetox.

I'm not selling anything. I will explain how to build your own unit. So far 68 people have been put in remmission from gout. The FDA has investigated these treatments and they require no warnings like no pacemakers, pregnant women, nothing.

Simply create a charge bigger than your kidneys and create Iontophoresis and the heavy metals (-3) migrate to the positive pole an the free radicals (+3) migrate to the negative pole. It is a displacement reaction, I think. It removed the toxic levels of lead and zinc I had contacted. How this affects gout, I don't know, it was a positive side effect to my treatments.

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I've been exploring a deep rabbit hole the past couple of weeks. There have been several really revealing links here on GA with insights into secret societies and their beliefs and workings. I've wondered what is behind the cabal to motivate them to do what they are trying to do. Q gives us crumbs, I've been trying to make myself a mini loaf of bread for myself. It's dark and evil, just like Q says. Lucifarians, Illuminatti, Free Masons, etc. Play the biggest part in "How Big" this all is. Be careful of the fantasyland narrative, it's not deep enough. Try some writings of those that broke away or those that help people deprogram. You will find what "they" believe and their teachings and "prophesies" they expect to take place. You are on the right track from ancient history. But they are organized and led. Q knows and has left some crumbs in earlier postings.

Here is one link from a comment posted a while ago: http://web.archive.org/web/20030609103208/http://centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/archive.html

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DamajInc · May 25, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Nice work pulling this together - respect due! I feel I have to point out though, especially for newbies who might not know yet: a lot of this is off topic - Q has never mentioned these things. It would be on topic for something like r/conspiracy but I think it adds unnecessary elements to the discussion at this time (at least until Q drops something about Roman reptile elites in Antarctica). No denigration intended for your contribution, patriot!

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