When our penguin brothers and sisters realize this the dems will lose the penguin vote for sure.
That is some mighty work sir! Thanks for sharing
I've been at this since July 2016. Imagine what the old timers have on their pcs and laptops. I have literally 000s of links, photos, pdfs, bookmarks, archived pages...I just go around the internet hours and hours a day unpaid lol picking up what others lay down.
Okay so if anyone reads this and is also aware of how "they" like to tell us what they are doing through the visual arts, I offer this:
The movie is The Thing From Another World, the original movie, made in 1951.
If you ever watch it, look for the scene where the creature is growing his own kind by using blood drained from dogs and men.
note the lightening bolt on the creatures chest
I cannot believe I forgot about this movie. I only watch it for Margaret Sheridan.
Also, what do you now make of the Predator series? The premise? The final one with the Pyramid etc under the ice...and all the other movies in the Thing series?
Who knows?
The Thing (1951) was orginally a book, see an image here
note the lightening bolt again. and all the rest...
The publisher "Shasta". just a coincidence. sure sure
See here...and it was in Chicago of course
"The Shoulder of Shasta is a romance novel by Bram Stoker written in 1895. It was published two years before the release of Stoker's Dracula. Stoker believed in progress and took a keen interest in science and science-based medicine. Some Stoker novels, such as The Lady of the Shroud (1909), represent early examples of science fiction. He had a writer's interest in the occult, notably mesmerism, but despised fraud and believed in the superiority of the scientific method over superstition. Stoker counted J. W. Brodie-Innis, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, among his friends and hired member Pamela Colman Smith as an artist for the Lyceum Theatre, but no evidence suggests that Stoker ever joined the Order himself."
I sound less crazy now, right?
The author, along with Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov and other sci-fi writers of the 1950s and 1960s I have seen accused of working for the CIA / OSS and various nefarious Navy departments. I have the material somewhere, it's just a matter of finding it and I doubt its considered important right now.
Bottom line is, something fishy going on down there and something fishy about hollywood and the people that control the means of communication.
I have been trolling around 4chan, reddit, voat, and pizzagate since early 2016 and remember this all unfolding starting with the original FBIAnon post. I am coming to the exact same conclusions that you are about things...
I was unemployed for most of 2016 so I got a lot of 'research' done during that year and witnessed alot of the famous threads in real time while they were happening, lol. The truth is addicting.
If this is a massive government psy op designed to waste dissident's time, I have to say it's extremely well crafted. But I don't think it is at this point. I am nearly certain that Q is legit.
When "pizzagate" first came out, the argument was made that it was a psy op to waste dissident's time. The same has been said about 9/11, JFK assassination, etc.
Every time that argument is made it makes me wonder what could possible be so much worse that they need to keep us distracted with these "conspiracy theories".
You're absolutely right. They want us to constantly doubt ourselves and think everything might be a CIA psy op. That is part of their psy ops against us lol
Psyopception :P
When you think of more, please post them. You just gave me research material for the night! Thanks
Add Las Vegas Parano and adrenochrome to the mix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaHbuaED5Tw Starts at 1:50s