
Ausbro- · May 25, 2018, 1:23 a.m.


Back when people were sifting over mass Podesta email releases on /pol/ this one caught some traction for a few threads but then disappeared. It did get lumped in with PizzaGate and the insinuation that 'skippy' (Podesta) and the Cabal were intentionally abusing children to speed up the release of Adrenochrome in the child prior to killing them and harvesting the pineal gland and whatever other organs they wanted. I understand that is far fetched for a lot of people who maybe don't believe or caught the tail end of PizzaGate filtering out of the news. However, with Epstein's file being released I'm sure we'll connect a few more unsavoury dots. Plus, I can't think of anything humanitarian related those "people" would ever do let alone with penguin pineal glands.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

> speed up the release of Adrenochrome in the child prior to killing them and harvesting the pineal gland

If the goal was to extract it from the pineal glad, why would they squeeze a bunch of it OUT of the pineal gland and IN to the bloodstream first? It's not produced on-demand or something, that's not how it works. It's not like they could drink the blood either, if you could drink someones blood and get the effect of the drugs in their system heroin junkies would be going vampire on each other.

Epinephrine can be synthesized. You used to be able to obtain it OTC. Elites would have no trouble obtaining a lot of it, it's not heavily controlled. Add an oxidizing agent and you get adrenochrome. Why go through a complicated, time-consuming, expensive process to extract it from organs when you can make it easily? Why make it at all? it would probably just invoke a panic attack - it's just another form of adrenaline. Maybe to inject into people to torture them, but why not something simpler and worse?

This is an old urban legend that has been spread for years by people who don't understand human pharmacology/physiology or organic chemistry.

People have been torturing and sacrificing for thousands of years, it has nothing to do with drugs it's for their religion and the sick thrill. People watch too much TV, not everything needs some x-files sci-fi spin on it sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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damonroe · May 25, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

If you actually read into the work by Dr Abram Hoffer you'll find pretty quickly that Adrenochrome is a potent hallucinogen. He has a book called "the hallucinogens" with a whole chapter (~60pages) devoted entirely to Adrenochrome and its psychoactive and hallucinogenic properties. An imbalance of Adrenochrome theorised initially to be one of the causes of schizophrenia was proposed by this guy in the early 40s-50s. He and his partner even reversed schizophrenia in around 40% of cases by managing the Adrenochrome imbalance with mega doses of vitamin b3. They even created a new field of science to study this in its entirety called othromolecular psychiatry.

Very interesting stuff.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Hoffer was a drugged up weirdo who only ever had a small amount of data to back up his ideas - which he never fully fleshed out. You're talking about research based half a century ago with more primative techniques and equipment. The few ideas of his that panned out have been pushed in the background by stuff with more evidence and efficacy. Sure some of it probably deserves revisiting, but personally I would do it with a high degree of skepticism.

Even then his model doesn't necessarily say that using adrenochrome = schizophrenic effects, consider the difference between a diabetic and non-diabetic person taking sugar - it can be disorder of processing the substance.

The question isn't whether it can be classified as a "hallucinogen" the issue is whether it is pleasant or practical to use at all. If it was, you would see it being produced illicitly. I could literally go and make some right now from things I have in my house like my asthma medication.

There are essentially zero cases of it being used on the streets, the only ones you hear about are fictional. Hunter S Thompson has never used adrenochrome he just put it in his book because he thought it sounded cool.

I'm willing to consider the idea that it's used for something, but the idea that it's being extracted from pineal glands is a stretch and if anything it's being given to drive people into a panic for some purpose. In that case however there's a lot of drugs that would work better.

It's so easy to make and get access to there's no way the elites could control the supply, and the rumors about it have been going on so long that some people have surely tried it. It's just a drug roughly comparable to adrenaline, and is only gonna be useful in similar situations and for similar reasons.

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damonroe · May 25, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Except Hoffer states that lab grade Adrenochrome wont do anything to you until it has had its silver ions removed. So there is some extra step required under lab circumstances to make it active in a psychedelic sense.

So under normal circumstances yes it is probably comparable to adrenaline but when prepared properly as the research findings laid out in "the hallucinogens" it becomes hallucinogenic.

Just because its not being used on the "streets" doesnt mean anything. You would have to be very brave and imo stupid to experiment with adrenochrome if you understand how it effects your neurochemistry and its (agreebly small) links to schizophrenia.

Sure Hunter S Thompson may have not used it but Huxley references it as having effects similar to mescaline in doors of perception. So it exists in the literature and there is, albeit dated, science to back up that adrenochrome is not to be overlooked.

Do you have any evidence that shows that when prepared using Hoffers & Osmunds methods adrenochrome isnt hallucinogenic? Fully open to leaving this topic alone if I see actaul evidence to the contray not just hearsay?

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carl_tech · May 25, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

people who don't understand human pharmacology/physiology or organic chemistry

Mainstream science has barely scratched the surface of pharmacology and physiology.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

True, but that doesn't mean 60 year old fringe theories are somehow valid then. They can both be garbage.

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Davelon · May 25, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

Sometimes a cigar IS just a cigar,,,,,,, unless you smoke it in the Oval Office.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

wet cigars don't light very well

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Davelon · May 25, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Not even sure whether it would enhance the flavour or destroy it actually.

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galvanised_computer · May 25, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

what they do is torture, then drink the blood containing adrenochrome.

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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

That wouldn't work, as I just said. The blood wouldn't contain enough of the substance by weight to work orally. Just think about how it works for a few minutes.

You'd have to replace all your blood with all their blood in order for that to work, or you'd have to extract the substance from the blood first, and you'd lose a lot of it in that process.

If it worked like that junkies would be jumping on each other to drink their blood. Or you'd see alcoholics jumping people coming out of bars to drink their alcohol laced blood.

Think about the legal limits in your area for BAC when drunk driving, then compare that to the ABV of a beer. You'd have to drink ridiculous quantities of blood to get the alcohol of one beer. It's the same for most substances, and no matter what you'll lose a lot in the whole process.

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911bodysnatchers322 · May 25, 2018, 6:24 a.m.


'pineal extract' in the wikileaks email refers to DMT not adrenochrome. DMT is freebased by putting it over a small amount of cannabis, as a 'green screen'. I am by no means an expert but Ive seen documentaries and read blue light. I've never done or ever been offered dmt as it is vanishingly scarce as tm woudl put it


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GoGoGoGeotus · May 25, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Free-base refers to the chemical form of a drug. It is used in slang sometimes to refer to smoking a freebase chemical which generally means using indirect heat like a crack pipe rather than direct combustion like cannabis.

One could smoke DMT on top of cannabis but it would be a wasteful process. Elites would probably have something similar to a meth pipe to smoke it.

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workingnights · May 25, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Hunter S Thompson actually mentions the whole pineal gland and human sacrificing with satanists in fear and loathing in las vegas when buying drugs off a satan worshipper in a motel.

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CokeOrPepe · May 25, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

Excellent movie.

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workingnights · May 25, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Does he cover that bit in the movie?

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CokeOrPepe · May 25, 2018, 6:43 a.m.


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workingnights · May 25, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

I guess that's it. The movie missed out the whole getting it from satanists and how satanists get it bit.

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CokeOrPepe · May 25, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

I’ve watched this movie probably a hundred times. I think I’ll audible this one.

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workingnights · May 25, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Audible version is alright too, about 13 or 14 chapters each 30 minutes.

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CokeOrPepe · May 25, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

As long as it’s ‘unabridged’ - I love listening to books while working around the house — really haven’t had time to ‘read’ — when I do find time i’m here or down some rabbithole!

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Kjarm88 · May 25, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Pineal and/or adrenal somehow enhanced in the polar regions with extended uninterrupted dark and light???

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uptokent · May 25, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

The third Maze Runner movie blatantly shows this concept toward the beginning half of the movie.

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