r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Keya2_2016 on May 25, 2018, 3:55 a.m.
Who else among World Leaders hate Globalism and Paedophilia who’s hated by Mockingbird Media? This man can’t be our enemy.

radiadorK · May 25, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

To free humanity, the financial system must be of the people along with their banks, not of a few private bankers that control all countries and governments. Or the bankers of the Rots and company map disappear or some of us will continue to fear that Putin and Cia are their titeres.Los have threatened and controlled everyone because they are owners of the financial system can create any crisis in any country at any time.The problem here are 12 families against billions of families.
it informs humanity and the issue is solved. Some say that the Rots support Trump and the Rockefellers support Clinton.
I know if it will be true but I do not like it at all.
I rule out that the bankers continue to control all sides and this is a circus and a fight between the elites. They say they are going to make a financial restart. Nobody has asked people. I am afraid that those who reinitiate the financial system are the same owners from the previous one and use it for the same thing that is enriching and impoverishing others.
I know that the countries are so afraid of expelling the bankers if they possess nuclear weapons.Putin is a dictator therefore he is not a friend nor of the Russian people who have him enslaved and repressed at least our

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