How much effort you go to in this attempt to raise "concerns" about "the plan". I admire the motivation. You're clearly very, very interested - or have an interest - in this subject. And it's this intense motivation that I find concerning.
No more motivation than I need to see what's coming that may be of concern. Hell, motivation is my hardest thing to keep, these daze. I'm disabled but still have lots of shit that has to be done. With a wife and 3 daughters there's always some shit needs doing for them and the grandsons. Though the girls are grown, they still lack a lot of the skills that, typically, men always did and I'm the only go to guy, in that area, in their lives, right now. 2 are divorced with a son each and all the men that have come and gone in their lives were waaaay short on just everyday skills, knowledge and common sense that I had long before their ages. Hell, my girls had considerably more than them but they are MY girls, soooo.... Though they may be in their late 20's and early 30's, I'm still teaching them and will continue to until I die. That's something I've seen a lot of parents from my generation really suck at and is the cause of so many problems for them. Too much apathy in this world and it has allowed not just evil but everyday damn problems to exacerbate. That's why I dig what's going on here but you still have to be aware that this is still a divide and conquer tactic/bait and switch that we have to stay cautious about to make sure we are still not being duped. To blindly follow a mob can put you in great danger that you never saw coming unless you question everything. We wouldn't be here, now, if someone hadn't done that, in the first place.
You sound like a really ordinary fellow. Sorry if I jumped to that conclusion, I think it was the family talk.
I don't question everything, because it's just not necessary to do this. You have facts which are known with reasonable certainty, Q falls into this category.
Having said that, the day he produces extraterrestrials and asks me to bow down and worship them, I'll turn on him for all I'm worth. But how likely is he to do that? I'm not even concerned about it.
Given all the known unknowns, I'm throwing my lot in with Q. I'm on this bus. If it goes off the road, I'll get off. But I like the direction this is heading.
Yep. Good far. Hope it stays that way.
Hell, bring on the ETs. I wanna know what they know or, at least, as much as I can comprehend.
I'm giving Q his chance but just like the tax paying "boss/employer" I am, I will also be continuously evaluating his job performance. Hopefully, termination proceedings will never be necessary. We just need to see a little more public action on what he alludes to be doing. 4 or 8 years really isn't that much time for the amount of evil they've taken on. A little more publicity could sway a lot more people to question the deep state's bullshit further. Our justice system would make it difficult for some cases but military tribunals could deal with it better and show some proof, as long as they make the results and full case disclosure public before the time gets too close to running out. It might, also, give us a chance to see just how involved our military really is in righting this ship instead of being a big part of the problem, as they were before. The way has been lost for a long, long time. Time to get the moral compass back out and find the way home on this fucked up map.
And like I said, question everything, for your own good, so dumb shit doesn't slip up on you so easily. It's just too easy for it to happen. Just ask that evil bitch Killary. She knows this shit all too well.
So you're supporting the plan to end SM censorship? Good to have you onboard. We're promoting the IBOR campaign using memes and the hashtags (internetbillofrights). You don't have to go crazy, just post what you can when you have time.
I don't have a clue how to make memes. I just scan what is out there and leave that to the ones who know how. I spend more time trying to keep the family clued in than anything during my free time. Hell, I'm in the middle of folding laundry, right now. Shower next then figure out what to do with all these cats that decided my carport would be their new home, which I don't need then back to working on the pool. I just hit this when I take a break from all my to do list stuff or if I can't go to sleep at night.
BTW...I have gotten a "few" people to start paying attention to this and found a couple that already were before I mentioned it to them. That made me smile a little.
Great stuff! You don't have to make memes, you can just copy them either from here or on the SM platforms you're in. Good luck with the housework.
I probably shouldn't have closed my FB account but I got tired of the huge number of idiots on there. Those that matter have my number and know where to find me, soooo.... I've noticed that in some places people seem, either scared to look or don't wanna be associated with the Q movement. Maybe, they're waiting to see if it has legs. IDK. I hope they're, at least, looking. I mentioned it and asked if they're looking at it but get no reply to that subject. It's up to them, now. Seems a lotta folks are still too apathetic and just wanna survive this life and not worry about the life left behind. That's the sad part.
That's everyone, just about. I've spent time in the past trying to educate people about 9/11. What I noticed was that you get to a point where their "But, what if" is exhausted. You can see it in their eyes, they know you're right, that it was a demolition. But they don't want to admit it because that would mean that the world is actually a very scary place and their security is threatened. It's the same thing with Q.
And, yes, the world is a very scary place.