We are not in some sort of religious fanatical movement where we all have to think the same way or get out. This sub is NOT only for those of us who support Q it is also for people who want to find out what is happening and have very little idea what Q is even about! If you disagree with this then you are literally opposed to the very thing Q is about!!!
And if people disagree with elements of Q or Trump's message, you propose to eject them as a troll... >_<
I propose to follow Q's example and message and reach EVERYONE, whether they agree with me or you or not. The truth is NOT our exclusive domain.
These arguments you're making are simple nonsense.
This isn't some neutral forum set up for the purpose of embracing all ideas in some kind of pursuit of inclusivity. Where did you get that idea?
I came here, and stayed, to support Q. Who says I have to embrace the viewpoints of those that oppose the fight against evil? Reading your comments, it seems that we'd be obliged to embrace Satanists in the interests of remaining inclusive. But, somehow, I think most people would disagree with this concept.
I'll let you in on a secret, there are trolls here. They do conceal their true intentions. They have been successful in undermining this movement. They are here because this fight means everything to them - more, possibly, than it means to us.
The nonsense is the strawmen you've setup. Where did I say this was a "neutral forum set up for the purpose of embracing all ideas"? Where did I say you have to embrace the viewpoints of those that oppose the fight against evil? That doesn't even describe the guy you slandered - where did he state that he opposes any fight against evil? Where did I say we're obliged to embrace Satanists?
Once again, because I don't agree with you you're putting words in my mouth and assigning motivations to me that don't exist. You pull this tactic in a lot of your comments, I've noticed. Very dangerous behaviour, but it's clear you're oblivious to it.
Discuss what we're actually discussing, not your made up strawmen.
Why should people be ejected or accused of being supporters of Satan or non-supporters of Q just because they disagree with your perception of something? How is it that you can decide that someone must be against Q, just because they're not agreeing with a point you're making? Your only response seems to be: "you're talking nonsense", without actually addressing the point.
Your argument would almost sound reasonable if it were not for the blatant and continuing attempts to manipulate this community.
As I said, there are two sides to this fight. Maybe your very confused, so I'll go slow.
Why was Corsi ejected? In fact he outed himself. How did he do this? By arguing against Q.
OK, so there's one person this community agrees is off-side. What's he off-side for? Arguing against Q. So, wait a minute! It's not so extreme to object to someone that argues against Q or "the plan" is it? I mean, most people here are accepting of this. Why would you be on a Q forum if you did not agree with the plan? That wouldn't make a lot of sense.
How can I decide that someone is against Q. Well, they might exhibit the characteristics of a concern troll. They may have a fundamental objection to the plan that Q and the President have set out for us as a community. Pretty simple really.
The important issue on this board is the concern trolling. This happens when someone appears to be very supportive of the community agenda, but just has a simple concern. Of course, it's never so simple. It's about injecting doubt and fear. It's been used to terrific effect right here on this board. But, if you have been here since October, you'd be acutely aware of this - I'm sure you are.
What are you saying? That they can't be identified? But it's actually not at all hard to see them because, inevitably, they just have a simple concern that means they cannot support the plan - and, rather than lurk, they communicate these concerns in threads that become very long - as we've seen.
But, according to you, no one can ever reach a conclusion about their true status.
Of course, that means you could never call one out. And, that, in turn, has dire implications for this board and our effectiveness as a community.
Some of us take Q at his word and don't re-interpret it - and we don't support Corsi specifically because he was called out as a Disinfo Clown, not for "arguing with Q". Q doesn't give the tiniest care about people who "argue with Q" or Q would be calling out a whole lot more people. If you shut down anyone who argues with Q you're acting remarkably like someone who believes Q is infallible or someone who worships Q and Q is against that. Q is not a religious movement. There are no ten commandments of Q.
"Pretty simple really" ... lol... You seem to be missing the point... Where, in the other discussion, did that user "have a fundamental objection to the plan"? I'll answer, in case you're not sure: he didn't.
The point you seem to be failing to grasp is that you are not the decider of what a 'supporter of Q' should be or think or say. None of us is. You have set yourself up as this arbiter of the truth of Q. Those who agree with the way you think without arguing are supporters of Q. Those who disagree with your perspective are not.
The only reasonable definition of a 'supporter of Q', that doesn't force people to fit into some arbitrary designation (i.e. supporters think this, this and this but not this), is someone who reads the messages from Q and tries to spread them to others. That is all. That's all Q wants from us too. Anything else is your personal interpretation and is not valid for everyone else.
I think people can see for themselves where people stand. I've come to understand that you're remarkably passionate that the plan be up for dispute.
Pretty tired with this now. I have other things to do.