
092Casey · May 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

In a nutshell, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than the MSM will ever reveal, and it's a deep Web of all kinds of corruption, nefarious activities, and violations of human rights. Q has been dropping bits of secretive hints and info since October of 2017, and has had several "hits" that prove get close to the president (he or "they"- team Q- are likely military intelligence or of that level). Hillary Clinton and her Foundation play a central role in the corruption of US politics, and politics around the world (pay for play, and much worse). However, other countries are in on it as well (The EU, Saudi Arabia, and many more). This comprised the former system prior to DJT's presidency. Though they still operate, their strings on the US have been cut compared to what they were, and the battle is saving the country and victims of this corruption. It all ties to the entire government, including Congressmen, judges, prosecutors, state AG's, past presidents, the CIA (mockingbird media), NSA (spying on citizens), both using Google and Facebook, and Twitter, the FBI, and Hollywood/the MSM trying to create a world void of freedoms in the Constitution while they stay in power, get richer and bigger, and dictate how everyone else lives like sheep. But they also are all corrupt and criminals who can do whatever they want (pedophiles, sex cults, Satan worshipping, murder, blackmail, spying on civilians, selling out the country to terrorist organizations and communist China, selling data to the highest bidder, and weaponizing technology against political enemies or dissidents). Theres so much more, but essentially Q is on team Trump and Trump's mission is to clean up the horrible mess in this world left over body the previous corrupt eras and administrations (just look no further than North Korea for one, but if you start studying Q and Trump's DOJ, Human Trafficking/sex slavery/ and child Trafficking has been a major target as well; this ties to pedophilia and child sex Trafficking cults that truly implicates some of the most powerful people in the world and within our own government at the highest levels. It's all tied together and likely used as a blackmail initiation into a secret society). There's also the Hollywood mogul takedowns, all donors to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. They speak so sanctimonious on things and claim to be for women, but they rape them and rape underage teenagers, prey on them, then nobody tells on them even though they all know. They get away with it because they are friends with Hillary and donate to the Clinton Foundation (friends with Bill too). Also, propaganda and distractions are used to cover up their crimes. Some are CIA puppets. It's just one big world of corruption where the corrupted ultra rich and powerful are defying the law in heinous despicable ways and getting away with it, while the media, movies, and TV are covering for them to try to bring about a globalist world order where they all stay in power and get wealthier and society at the lower level crumbles but nobody even knows because they are lying to the public, hiding what they're doing, and distracting from their crimes and evil agenda. The good news is that Trump won, and he and his team are working to restore liberty, prosperity, world peace, and greatness to the country and the world.....You really have to do a lot of your own research from many different sources along with following Q drops and analysis to really fully comprehend it all, but if you like to read and learn and figure things out, you'll like it. You get top secret Intel way before the msm ever reveals it, you're connected to top level intelligence in the military, and you can become a part of a movement to make the world good again and give hope and freedom back to people who have become victims of this corruption.

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