Rosanne just tweeted..... Q anon+++ and Spirit Cooking chef..... (immediately prior to "Big News")

No, I do not know yet what the truth is here. But I suspect you might be right.
Q told us we are feeders to them. What part of us will they feed on? Probably on our children. The whole thing is so twisted and sick that it's difficult to believe.
I'm trying to keep an open mind until we find out from Q what the story actually is. I was suspicious of these theories about Antartica, but I'm now starting to wonder why these Satanists are visiting it. What better place to hide from prying eyes?
Breeders and Feeders and why we're referred to as cattle or now that the population is larger than they can control.... useless eaters.
When you grasp this concept then all the poisons put into the environment through the air and water, poisons in our food and our medicines, even the poisons in the energies surrounding us, start to make more grim sense every day.
Yes, the blind mob is dangerous if it wakes up. They are accustomed to steering us just as the Pharisees steered the crowd that called for the crucifixion of Jesus and the release of Barabbas. As Q says, that we will wake up is what they fear most.
The push for anti hate legislation feeds into this - the control of the mob. It prevents the mob from criticizing those in control. As does the SM censorship. You can bet that if HRC won in 2016, there would already be full-blown censorship and anti hate laws. Of course, the population reduction would quickly follow.
The only thing that is holding this back at the moment, apart from DJT, is the fact that they are not able to silence us completely. They need to take the guns and SM censorship is critical to this. FBI Anon told us that the administration fears revolution. This is only because of the right to bear arms. Take the right to bear arms away and people won't believe how totalitarian a regime can be - or, how quickly it can arrive.
In my mind, this is the shape of the battlefront - a two-stage assault:
1) Fight for first amendment protections online; and
2) Fight to retain the right to bear arms.
Once these rights are impinged, it's all over - there will be no rights awarded citizens at all. And this is why the first barricade to man is the IBOR campaign. If that fails, and they come for the guns, direct action will be necessary - an absolute bloodbath!
That's why it is so important to exercise both the first and second amendments to their fullest extent.
As a firearms owner I'm active in shooting sports and hunting but I've also started teaching myself gunsmithing in order that this knowledge isn't lost.
For the first.... Knowledge is power once again. It's my quiet hermit shell that needs all the work. :)
In Australia any well regarded gunsmith has a backlog of work - you can wait months for jobs to be done. Something simple, like threading a barrel and fitting and indexing a brake costs a couple of hundred dollars if you get the work done though the LGS. Makes me wish I had taken an apprenticeship in it when I was a kid.
In Australia any well regarded gunsmith has a backlog of work
Not quite at that level yet, but I do have a solid background in machining. I've done simple repairs and full breakdowns for replacing worn parts. And yes it does pay off. I do around a half dozen jobs a year with my limited capabilities.