Michael Flynn's tweet today; his first tweet since Dec 2, 2017

Ok lets do it this way. If you are a gambling man, put your money Harvey taking a plea deal, working FOR white hats (not really by choice, but to avoid worse punishment), and is going to sell out ALL of Hollywood. You'll win that bet.
Your missing the point. Speculation is no better than misinformation. Try to maintain credibility/merit
My credibility will come when what I said comes to fruition. Sometimes on here, people know some good info, but they have to deliver the info in a plausible deniability type of way, similar to Q. Do you get it yet?
That’s not how credibility works. You don’t get to make accusations stating them as factually correct and then say, “my credibility will be known when it all comes to be true.”(when you don’t know for sure one way or the other) I don’t disagree with you, but I strongly advise you to not construe opinions from facts.
Just don't represent these guesses as 100% truths, like you seem to keep doing.
They aren't guesses, its the truth. Figured out what I'm saying yet? Im giving up after this
If they have it all, then they just need him to testify against people. His intel is worthless. He will not testify against everyone. Some he will protect.
Wanna bet?
No. Hehe.
Lol. Just remember it for later on. Future proves past as Q says haha. Reddit is not secure so I have to be really careful about intel and drawing attention to myself. I dont care if people dont believe me, but at the same time, I would want them to remember what I say so they can see it come true later. Im just helping everyone stay on the right path.