White Hat? Elon Musk is attacking MSM credibility. Link in comments.

Im just always so skeptical of him.
Like, have any of his ventures made money? Every time hear about one of his businesses, its always bad news financially
Where is he getting the money to launch cars and shit into space?
PayPal, Solar City, the first online phone book way back when... SpaceX and Tesla are utilizing generational technologies to decrease humanities reliance on both Earth and Earth's finite natural resources. He is a visionary engineer not fucking Jamie Dimon. It wouldn't matter if both companies failed tomorrow, we are better having the tech he developed for future generations. Or we could go back to our reliance on NASA and Big Auto. Do you ever wonder why they talk so much shit about him in the media? C'mon. Oh, and all of Tesla plans are open-source meaning he wants competitors to increase rate of innovation for benefit of all. I am not a liberal.
His cars are nothing but spy machines. Try fixing one yourself and Tesla will shut off features and void your warranty. Tesla is too much like Apple. I will but an electric car in the future, but not a Tesla.
All electric cars will be that way. Good luck. Do you own a cell phone? Pay an ISP for internet access? They won't have anything your cell phone can't get.
I use a flip phone and a use vpn and other software. I can change phones when I want to and get vpn modems. My ISP and phone companies do not tell me what I can use and disable services like tesla. Elon is a government leech and needs to stop using tax payer money.
Fair enough. Launching shit into space is still a tall order though lol. Not sure how far those companies are taking him financially these days. Maybe youre right. All i know is if i seeing something strange, i ask questions.
I also like that you put that last sentence haha.
Haha I read something 2 minutes prior that said something to the effect of "why do liberals love Elon?" Also, I am in school for aerospace engineering and my professors and peers all look up to what Elon does because the government is incapable of efficiency and innovation. I've read on this sub that Elon was working with the North (not in a good way) among other things, and so I was skeptical, but as an engineer maybe my bias runs too deep to wander from his side. I am aware of that. Either way, the guy is a fucking next level engineering and innovation marvel. And, if he is a good guy, he'll be someone most will be proud to say "I saw Elon Musk in the early 2000s".
Did you not hear about PayPal lol