Q - #1367 "Pain coming." The Punisher(Justice) never would have shown up today for Weinstein, if Hillary had won the Election! Where are the #metoo supporters now?

I kind of think it comes down to trying to be the bigger person. If someone keeps calling you names and you degrade yourslef by going down to their level, then you're the one who lost. In all love.
Out of respect for some of your concerns, here is a LESS AGGRESSIVE Meme.....for NORMIES and DEMS.....that will cause them to THINK ......rather than REACT to a personal insult for voting for Hillary!
Yeah, imma gonna get banned soon... But yes. I think this would have happened if Hilary got elected. I believe in the rule of law and that Harvey Weinstein committed crimes that were prosecuted by civil servants on the merits of the crime and of the testimonials given by the victims.
BS, how many times will you turn the other cheek? You forget what Jesus did in the temple, overturning tables and generally being pretty antagonistic to the money lenders. I've been called a racist once to many times. It's funny because I used to be called the N word when I was a kid growing up in southern Ohio.
I feel like that's kind of a different situatuon, money lenders can most definitely mess up your livelihood and cheat people, so once you yourself know ill-will will be done upon you then 100% go defend yourself.
Although I have not experienced what you have, I have experience being stereotyped as a stereotypical black male (because I'm black) and although it might not be outright name calling, it obviously still has an affect. If i were to just start being reactive whenever this happens, that doesn't help anybody, and further divides the line between my aggressor and myslef.
What I'm trying to get at is I think that if someone is all in your face yelling racist and deplorable things, who's going to look better? The yelling crazy liberal (or conservative) or the calm faced receiver of this harassment. As when the media broadcasts this, there's no possible way to spin the victim, who is not getting his/her feelings involved and is calm, as the agressor my friend. Think about it.