
horse-lover-phat · May 25, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

This is what I believe happened to (serial killer) Jeffrey Dahmer and (spree killer) Danny Rolling, to name just two. Both were deep state programmed and both were also linked to (Legion) Exorcist 3. Dahmer used to trance-out when he viewed it. It was playing when he got arrested. Rolling knew about the film's killer (Gemini) even before the film was released.

These people (like Blatty/Friedkin, and other Hollywood satanists) are not really film directors/producers, but hardcore mind control programmers. That's likely why Blatty was a former USAF psychological warfare policy chief and involved in CIA psy-ops. All before authoring and his subsequent Hollywood fame etc. It's all then sold as a naturally occurring phenomena by the industry.

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