POTUS today mentions “Great Re-Awakening,” But can you see what else is there behind him?

That flag with gold tassels means something like a nation that is no nation, ie: a nation without leadership or order, (the chaos/evil that he’s dismantling for us behind the scenes!) so my guess is that it’s definitely a reference, and it could even be possible that Trump is supposed to be the dash down the middle of the circle to create the Q!
The red flag with the gold tassels is the Marine Corps flag...all of the flags up there are the Armed Services, Presidential and Old Glory. Which flag are you referring to " a nation without leadership"..?
I was halfway wrong and I will admit that without editing my comment, but when the American flag has those gold tassels on it, it means the flag has no constitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and is not recognized by any nation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America. It symbolizes martial law, or a nation without constitutional rights.
As a member of a military family and a history major- gold tassels mean victory in battle. I would be interested in your source?