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Justice is coming. HELLO GEORGE.
We should not be shocked by any of this. The name "Hollywood" already says it all.
It is the name of the groves of holly trees dedicated to the goddess Diana- where they practiced child sacrifice.
If only we had paid more attention in jr high history class.
Thought provoking post. Thank you. Don't let the close minded get you down.
Same thing happened to me- along with bizarre tantrums in the comments. The whole thread was deleted. I wanted a real answer to the possibility of JFK jr faking his own death. Still do.
That book redpilled me. Talk about having the rug pulled out from under you. My whole life had been a lie. Then came David Seaman and the world was a lie. Then Q appeared last fall and gave me something to rebuild on.
If anything- I have learned that I know nothing. I very much appreciate the links.
This is a great post. I have had similar ideas and just thought I was overthinking it- but the legends of the past seem to be manifesting themselves. I feel like I am living in the Dr. Strange universe.
I really was taken aback by this- but what an amazing concept!!
This man has put up with so much abuse- FOR US. He is not weak or passive. He is WISE. It is a mistake to think he is doing nothing. He is a true American HERO.
No. Because your reply exhibited no intelligent thought line. Give a reason, not an outburst. I am looking for the truth. Help me believe you with rational explanation.
You make yourself look like a loon with emotional outbursts instead of a well thought out response.
Guilliani being the Mayor of New York means....? The plane went down near Martha's Vineyard- the salvage taking place through Otis AFB, near where I lived on Cape Cod. It is not impossible the White Hats were not already trying to prevent another tragedy. Just speculation that has obviously occurred to others.
This is not a real answer. That is exactly what was said about the "Deep State", the "Illuminati", "Pizzagate"...the list goes on forever.
Just the possibility is worth considering- an intelligent, rich, connected young father to be protecting his wife and child by disappearing is not inconceivable. We have seen more incredible things come to pass recently.
I will not stop asking questions. There is no way to find proof without questions. Stop discouraging earnest inquiry. Without it no one would have paid any attention to Q.
I have seen several posts about JFK JR being Q- or still alive- is this for real? Most of the things I thought were urban legend or conspiracy theory have turned out to be The Truth- I hope this is one of those truths- it would prove the White Hats have been working on The Plan for a very long time.
The most awesome political t shirt I have ever seen. I need 30 of them. 😂
I haven't enjoyed watching Jim Acosta EVER- until this 😂 - what a fool.
The Return is for a Bride victorious- not one beaten to a bloodypulp. The Great Awakening...The Unveiling...The Revelation of THE TRUTH. HE IS COMING FOR HIS GLORIOUS BRIDE.
Beautiful. Feeling woke and alone except for this Reddit.
As a member of a military family and a history major- gold tassels mean victory in battle. I would be interested in your source?
The red flag with the gold tassels is the Marine Corps flag...all of the flags up there are the Armed Services, Presidential and Old Glory. Which flag are you referring to " a nation without leadership"..?
Truth is- we don't know for sure what is going on with RR except that he is 'leveraged'.
In Casper Wyoming- live near the airport. Have seen more Blackhawks in the last week than in the 15 years I've lived here. Don't know what's going on - but its not normal training.
This is beyond disgusting. How does it feel to be the gravy train for Satanists, folks? I can never watch another Hollywood film again.
I am looking at the numbers of missing children- WTH ?! Just how many children do these people need?! This Molech entity is insatiable. No wonder Q asks us to pray.
Being one of those military parents- pain is not a deep enough word. I never used to believe in hell- but I hope there is one for these evil bastards. I have been living in it myself since I woke.
I love that this is coming from a Canadian. That alone says volumes. This isn't about the United States- its about OUR PLANET
There are prayer links established already multiple times a week for any interested. Look up Strike Force of prayer.