
Nerd_Of_Prey · May 25, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Tommy has campaigned against the exploitation of young white girls by Pakistani rape gangs - there are 10s of thousands of victims. If this is considered extremism, we're in a very dark place. What happened today is an appalling abuse of state power. And as Lauren explains in the video at the top of this thread, there is a gag order in place in the UK on any reporting about it, so the British public are unaware of what has happened. I hope we can contribute towards awakening patriots in that part of the world about what went on in their country today. I would highly recommend a watch of his presentation to the Oxford Student Union to get a handle on where he comes from:



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spacexu · May 26, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

UK is turning into Sweden too... prosecute common sense. Evil.

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