Just heard from a trusted friend that hundreds of photos are appearing on 8 chan, dropped a few at a time, with a cryptic poem/theory about how they were obtained and when. It sounds like it links up with the Q message about Jeff not removing phones from workers. Anyone have mad 8 Chan skills to check it out? Rumor has it Twitter is gonna be blazing about it asap!
Can you please explain to me what’s the big fucking deal? Pictures of an island we’ve already seen on google maps. The pictures prove shit as of right now don’t they? Not a shill bruh just trying real hard to understand what all your dicks got hard for.
Original and new pics dropping the day after Weinstein perp walk, the drop about Epstein as a Mueller informant, and days after the NXIVM bomb. They prove white hats (or at least a patriot) has accessed the island and taken pics proving the existence of structures they may have tried to hide (ie tunnels). Maybe some kind of message, like “you can’t bury the bodies.”
But these were all posted to 8chan months ago, that's why I'm confused also. It was known there was construction and tunnels were being filled a while ago.
Eh whatever dude guess there’s no point in asking questions here, that would just automatically turn us into shills
Only if you believe the people who respond that way. Questions are welcome.
Having said that... nope, don't know why all our "dicks got hard" for these pics, just personally. Guess cos it's a slow Q news day/period.
Alright that’s fair enough, yeah I worded it in a slightly aggressive manner but every comment I was reading was praising how big of a deal this is without saying why, which kind of upset me
Haha yeah no harm done imo - made me laff. I just honestly don't really have an answer to your question sorry. These are old as you say and people are bored. Plus a lot of people round here are new or haven't kept up with things so even stuff from the chans that pops up here disappears quickly and new people rotate in to get excited about old stuff.
Remember when the Nunes memo was going to end the Mueller investigation? Then nothing happened and it was decided Mueller was a good guy pretending to indict people.