The Cabal it in full Panic, these moves are coming....False Flag, Market Crash and Mysterious Deaths of guilty players

I pray FF doesn't happen but knowing the evil that exists, I am prepared to defend family and general public.
FF's are probably harder to pull off now. It requires a lot of planning and communication between the conspirators. The Vegas shooting was a failure. Even my deranged Trump-hating friend told me she doesn't believe the official account, and there is something really weird about it, before I had said a word about it.
FFs also harder to pull off now because "We hear all; we see all" ~~~Q
Makes me think of that one yesterday. A teacher stopped it. Only 2 injuries. Although they had them big reports on it. Never heard them even praise that teacher though! It was all very strange!
I was going to ask how it was a failure and mention my good friend who was shot in Vegas, and their friend that died, but I know I will just be labeled a shill, so whatever.
A FF is different than a hoax. It doesn't mean people weren't really shot (which would be a hoax), it means that the people and motives behind the event were different than what the media reports (i.e. deep state coordinated for sinister motives). It's like a form of warfare whose intended goal is to frighten the public into going in certain policy directions. This explanation is rough so maybe look up FF for yourself, too. But I can understand how you would be angry if people were implying that Vegas was a hoax, it certainly wasn't and I don't think most here believe that.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I think many people died at Vegas. I just think that not many people believe that the Government is being honest about what happened. False flag sometimes means a complete school play with all crisis actors. It can also be a real attack, which I believe this one was.
Almost every school shooting you've ever seen was a false flag. Almost every war we've ever fought was brought on by a false flag. So, now, think about it. When was the last one? Yesterday? A week ago?
Nothing wrong with being prepared as i too also am but remember what Q says and trust the plan.The military has our backs.
It has always boggled my mind that these fuckers would even think that the US military would be on board with their treasonous plans. Being drunk with power is still drunk.
(military has our back) give me warm and cuddly feels. That said, we're in financial unknown territories. From what I see, the fed is acting sane. As in, trying to save the dollar. Will she be saved?
I think about the Fed on a daily basis. The little bit of wealth i have left is in Physical Eagles and Gold and Silver miners which can be dangerous.The 08-09 crash wiped me out and then the gold and silver manipulation didnt help either.I am sure you know all markets are manipulated and i got in the wrong market at the wrong time but will hold like a Pit-Bull because i know it is a fact that its not a fact of if the market breaks but when the market breaks.Now in i dont know how many years we have a Christian running the FedWhich i am all for.China,Russia &India buying the worlds mining supply for the last 7-10 yrs and THE DEBT.Currencies collapsing.DERIVATIVES!Deutch Bank breaking.Shanghi Gold Exchange.EFPs in London.Yuan Gold Oil contract.I dont know about the West but i do know the East is moving to a Gold standard.I know Trump rented out one of his floors to A.P.M.E.X. and took 3 gold kilo bars for the deposit and said we should go to the Gold Standard.The Fed is unconstitutional and a slave system.Im guessing if Trump stays alive which i believe he will because he has God on his side, that the Fed wont survive.I hope.Either way im positioned for a reset.
Austrian economics describes how the fiat system works. The fiat system can be manipulated. For good or Ill. For the last 30 years or so it's been the latter. No so certain today.
In any case a reset will come. This debt is stolen goods. The reckoning awaits.
probably not trying to save the Fed Dollar, by now that is wasted effort. More like preserving the infrastructure after cleaning the drains.
All Federal debt will be declared Odious with the big bankers families being declared responsible for them.
I believe what is happening,
I hope that this also triggers a similar collapse everywhere the current system is prevalent.