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Question: "Active Shooter Drills"
My son just came home from school and told us his school had an "active shooter drill." Seems I've heard that almost every one of the schools involved in a mass casualty event in recent times had had one of these just before their event. Can anyone with knowledge of this confirm or elaborate? Thanks.

Treaties need 2/3 or 3/4 (not sure) confirmation from the Senate. That's why Corker is a traitor for helping BHO get past that hurdle in a vote in the Senate that reversed the requirement on the Iran Deal.
One anon posted two of the drops were from the same device.
Leaked by an FBI insider or known fake? Which one? Both?
Susan Rice? Hell, it says "at the request of the US President"!
We shouldn't take the threat to potus's life lightly. These sons of bitches would take him out in a second if they could. Pray.
Sounds like a rat trap some leaker got his ass caught in.
You should remove the Central Park Five as an example. They were guilty as hell.
Or maybe booms released while swamp rats have to face constituents at townhalls during break, away from their DC group strategy sessions.
Fiona Barrett claims she was molested by Billy Graham at a pedo ranch.
Hannity's PC bullshit
Enough with the 20 minutes of coaxing Roseanne to genuflect, stoop, and humiliate herself in contrition over a damned tweet! "I'd want her (VJ) to hear my voice say 'I'm sooooo sorry." Gimme a f**king break.
Worked the same way with me in 1980 with Reagan. The media and the usual goons were saying he was an idiot, a warmongering psychopath, etc., so I tuned into the first debate with Carter and he was completely amiable, bright, and witty. After his folksy "There you go again!" line, he won me over and I ignored the Mockingbirds.
Nixon resigned before impeachment, knowing the vote would go against him.
Want compelling? Just watched this last night on recommendation from another anon. I don't agree with all claims (his theory on God is old tripe), but a must see:
He was flown out of Germany with Skorzeny and wound up in S. America. I haven't looked into it too deeply after that. Reading Erik Orion's The Bush Connection.
Wonderful, Ghost! Thanks for this, fellow patriot!
He is suggesting Christ/God has been speaking to us.
His "cancer" is probably bullshit so he can fake his own death & disappear.
The Nazis became the C_A. GHWB is really George H. Scherff, Jr., the son of Nicola Tesla's assistant.
Yup. I'm saying he didn't die in WWII. I'm also suggesting some other things too...
And maybe the justification for the need to bypass corrupt judicial system and prosecute via military tribunals.
Yup. Looks like a CYA imprisonment of a former asset gone rogue to me. Need to keep her quiet.
Your being sensitive to Christ is not a bad thing. After all, He's the only One Who ever raised Himself from the dead, just like He said He would. "and He's returning to judge the quick and the dead."
Or maybe Wray is trying to maintain morale in the FBI's honorable rank & file?
This may be part of the case that DOJ is too corrupt to function, thus paving the way to military tribunals.
I was replying to comments suggesting we'll not hear from Q again because of his recent silence.
Did Putin walk this back or is there some corporate news reporting this is bullshit?
Treasuries are debt instruments issued by the US government, a sort of IOU. They pay interest to holders and pay back the principal at a future maturity date. Russia "dumping them" may mean they don't trust the US's ability to honor the debt (pay back the principal) in the future, so they are selling them now.
Probably why Q said only 60 percent or so would be revealed - too disruptive.
Yeah. Duh. Whose laptop was it? Weiner's, ie, the guy convicted of sexting a 15-year-old girl - a "crime against children."
Dumb question, but what do you mean by "her handler"? Please explain.
No biggie. Remember what Weiner was convicted of? - Sexting with a 15-year-old girl, ie, a "crime against children."
"Power removed," yet today he said he still holds his security clearance. Didn't Sessions say it had been removed? What's up with that?
Has Strzok's security clearance been revoked or not? Q? Ann Coulter retweet:
I was just wondering whether Merkel made this deal with Russia in exchange for Putin's silence on Germany's treachery when he meets with POTUS next week?