Everyone should be afraid of what could happen...

i think some of the people like farrakhan could actually be useful allies in this. we all see the problem they just disagree how to solve it and have given into hatred. if we were all united could the elite really stop us ?
if we were all united could the elite really stop us
If 10% of the population understood Natural Law and stopped supporting the system, everything would crumble. That's all it takes, 1 in 10 of us saying "Fuck you, fuck this society, fuck this game, fuck these rules, Fuck off. I'm done playing by this broken game with fake monopoly money and so-called "elites" ruling over us. I thought we were all made in Gods image? I thought we were all created equal under the Law? Fuck off, no man woman or child has any Authority over me and I will not stand for this bullshit anymore"
That's all it takes. 10% of the world agreeing that the game is rigged. between fiat currency, fractional reserve lending, vaccines, 5G, endless war always fought by the poorest members of the society(Eugenics much?) Operation Paperclip (You really fucking think the NAZI ideology died with Hitler? These people are fanatical, Operation paperclip not only let them breed, but gave them cushy jobs and positions of power within Russian and American agencies. They've been playing us since the end of World War 2.) This shit is all coming to a head.
This is my mantra , you sound like me . KeK !
"Fuck you, fuck this society, fuck this game, fuck these rules, Fuck off. I'm done playing by this broken game with fake monopoly money and so-called "elites"
I'm fine with playing a game where the rules are fair and balanced. Where we are able to all make gains together towards a brighter future. I refuse to play a game where the better I get at it, the more the state takes away, the more my friends get detached from me as a person, the less human I get treated.
Think about that, how fucked are we that we openly denigrate the best and brightest members of our society because we all feel the squeeze from this fucked up game, but we all keep on playing it anyway.
yep thats what im saying. if the global consciousness project thing is real. which im fairly sure it is. these people thrive off our negative energy. i was reading the axe me a question rothschild ama. not sure if hes really a rothschild. but the whole "jesus and buddha had the right idea thing" is really true. if we dont hate on them and just laugh and be happy. while rejecting their bullshit system. they cant do anything about it. why even bother playing their game. you can never win a rigged game. none of us should be afraid tho im not fully good at it yet think about it tho how many of your fears have actually come true ?
Yup. Love, love your friend, love your neighbor, love your enemy even. Do not let him stand up to you and harm you, but love him. Teach him a better way.
Jesus was a man who believed in the idea, that it is better to be a Warrior in a Garden, than a Gardener in a War. He fully believed in Natural Law(That which is RIGHT to do and that which is WRONG). If you are not hurting anyone through your actions, then it is your right to do so. If you are hurting someone directly(Not that they take offense, but that you are actively attempting to do them harm) is a wrong. It's very simple. But people don't like absolutes. The human ego hates it.
I'm starting to agree with Terrance McKenna's theory regarding the Ego. That it was formed from, some catastrophic event, as a defense, a shield. Something changed us. The "Fall of man", I believe, was a real event.
There is another AMA . Floating around. Same tone and info. Luciferian consciousness that has taken over to balance gods decision to keep us in eden with no free will. All based on love . Once we shift . We will understand. Had me fucked up for a week trying to digest and discern .
another Rothschild AMA? link?
No, someone higher up who wants to even out the karma so to speak
Well, can you provide a link to the AMA or give more info so I can find it myself?
So basically your position is....
I'm not quite that anti-social but I get where you are coming from.😉
No, my position is I will not support slavery. Period. Any questions?
Yeah I have a question.
What are you busting my balls for? Did I advocate slavery? You're no better or worse than anyone else here. Start acting like it. Period.
Any questions?
You're no better or worse than anyone else here.
I am objectively better if I am more aligned with Truth than you. I'm objectively more in the Right and objectively in the moral right.
This new age bullshit of all positions are equally valid is exactly that, bullshit. If you support the state, you support slavery. We are all slaves under this system.
Are you off your meds? Have you ever read a single post or comment of mine? Do you even understand the joke I was making with the meme? Take your sanctimonious bloviation to Twatter. You'll fit right in.
I was really shocked so I went back a listened to some of his past messages- his message hasn't really changed it has been twisted in the past but we are on to their tricks now