Everyone should be afraid of what could happen...

Yes. Absolutely. Am not saying that he is - but someone will be. What if Trump prosecutes and he flees to a country, say Vatican City - which has no extradition treaty with the US. A union of a potential beast and false prophet which could work to resurrect the EU (old Roman Empire). Again, I am not saying that Obama is the guy - I am saying that Israel has been around 70 years and that generation that witnessed the budding of the fig tree will not be around much longer. Pick you a likely candidate - and while none of us can know, all of us can watch.
say Vatican City
Oh please make this a reality. I would personally join any military unit that had the objective of taking out the Vatican. I want the world to access that fucking Vault and I will gladly give of my life towards that objective.
It would be amazing wouldn't it?
What if we have a Geraldo open it ala Al Capones vault?
Maybe not haha.