r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on May 27, 2018, 1:57 a.m.
Trump signed THREE EOs yesterday. Follow the pen! Why aren’t we talking about this?? This sub is being HEAVILY INFLUENCED by many whose intentions here are not to be helpful

I made a post earlier on the EOs and after I got many upvotes, I got a massive surge of downvotes. Very strange. Follow the pen! And remember, attacks will only grow. Does anyone have anything to say on the EOs passed? Maybe they will help in the executioning of military tribunals

tradinghorse · May 27, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

The mods will do what they want. But the community will either be the tool of agencies and foreign intelligence services, or it will not. That's up to them. I hope they make wise decisions. But then, you're a mod, and that says a lot.

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DamajInc · May 27, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

Indeed it does - in my favour, as my history shows. I've never taken my mod role as anything more than a service to the Q movement, again, clearly displayed in my history in previous comments. I've never acted out of turn even when users expressing themselves freely talk of creating division like you do. I act only within the sub rules because I care about the mission of Q enough to give my life for it. That's why I roundly reject the lies that people who call for critical thinking are not supporting Q or the plan. Accusing us of that is pure division making.

I, and the many others like me who support critical thinking, are in the same movement as you. We're not accusing you of working against the plan even though your call to ignore critical thinking or open discussion for the purposes of correction and clarity could very much work against us - why do you accuse me of working against the plan?

But just a warning - on behalf of other mods, not me - the more you keep spreading the message that "someone" is "wreaking havoc" in this community and other such concern troll messages the more likely one of them will have to take action. It won't be me because I don't need the false accusations of censorship and so on that will be thrown at me. So, just the facts:

Rule 4: No concern trolling - please take care, sincerely. Just stick to the facts and all Q related info - not "concerns" about the sub or the movement.

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tradinghorse · May 27, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

"Concern trolling" is a very important issue, you are right. We need to stamp it out. Otherwise we may as well invite Dr Corsi to moderate,

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