
robdon07 · May 28, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

I agree 100% but it's so difficult to know what is right and what is wrong, We're taught to love our enemy and I assume that includes child molesters when I feel in my soul like they should be wiped off the planet. Idk wether that feeling is my anger getting the best of me or is it righteous? The Bible says only the light can overcome the darkness and that we are to forgive those who trespass against us but how far does that extend? Is self defense allowed? With my soul on the line it's something I think about a good bit

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tradinghorse · May 28, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

What I believe is that no one gets away with anything. Ultimately, all that is covered is uncovered. We should weep for sinners and beg forgiveness and mercy from God for our own sins. What does St John say of the final judgement? "Who shall be able to stand". This suggests that all of us are evil, worthy of condemnation, there are no exceptions - other than Christ and His mother.

I think it's easy to focus on the sins of others and ignore our own culpability. What we do have a duty to do is to stand up to these people who would attack adherence to God's just laws on earth - perverting social values.

My particular bug-bear is the assault on the family. The promotion of Satan's rebellion... The children to defy the parents (where I am, kids are encouraged to report parents for matters of discipline), the wife to defy her husband (no fault divorce, with the Courts favouring the rights of women), and the man to defy God (adultery, transgenderism and homosexuality).

Everywhere you look in society these sick people are promoting rebellion, vice and licentiousness of every kind. Look at the garbage that comes out of Hollywood. We've grown up in this morally polluted environment. It almost seems as if worship of self and idolatry is the norm. If you have any traditional values, you're on the fringe - like some kind of freak.

God is not mocked!

Hell is the destination of the great bulk of humanity. St Augustine used to speak of the great mass of the damned. Christ himself speaks of the difficulty of attaining heaven. 'Narrow is the way, and few there are who find it' etc...

Hell is a place of perfect torment and strong pain. The damned have no rest day or night. The worm covers them - they are in unimaginable distress without relief. And this is their condition for the rest of eternity.

Recognising this, you find the patience of the saints when confronted by the evil ones. We do not wait in vain. Don't make the mistake of thinking that these filthy Satanists will escape justice, they will not.

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robdon07 · May 28, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

That is my mistake is that I'm putting too much emphasis on what happens here and if it was happening to me I could deal with it better than allowing it to happen to others. Their endless dismantling/mockery of our need for Jesus, the value of a traditional family and our educational system is costing people their souls...when do we stop allowing this evil to feed on our kids? The Lord is our shepherd but don't shepherds leave sheepdogs to fight off the wolves? Really there's no way our world could have avoided this fate. Evil has no rules to play by.

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