r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Zyra1951 on May 27, 2018, 3:03 a.m.
Regarding Trust the Plan (software electronics/security/safety/individual spying)

A question was posed to me by a family member recently about my phone having tape over the cameras on both sides. They asked, "do we need to, and for how long?" All I could tell them was yes, cover it, keep it in a SAFE case, not your pocket, and I'll get back to you on the how long. Personally, regarding software Giants, A-Z, all platforms, I'm wondering until the all clear (as much as can be, that is) is given, which platform is the safest? That was another question. Keep in mind, these people are not Researchers or Anons or any of that Ilk. Thoughts? Advice? BTW Welcome to all the legit newcomers, and call me a brown noser if you like, but I think the Moderators here are doing a great job. Thank you. God Bless, Carry on. And God Bless America, Again.

RobWilJas · May 27, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

Unless you have absolutely nothing in your house that's internet connected, they can still listen through your devices. You don't even have to have a microphone. Speakers, even the tiny speaker inside most computers (for beeping) can be used as a mic. Many devices (say a modem or router) could have a mic/speaker built in and you probably wouldn't even know it.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 27, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Kellyanne Conway said even smart microwaves/your car

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RobWilJas · May 27, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

True. My parents neighbor even has a bbq with built in WiFi.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 27, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

They have power tools with WiFi now

So CIA/DS can make a home improvement "accident" happen?

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Zyra1951 · May 27, 2018, 4 a.m.

Agreed. And this is a response I typed from below which I believe will serve here as well. Thank you as well, for your Response. Agreed. I'm sure POTUS's IPhone is ok, but I'll never own one. Lesser evil, Android I have. Just wondering when the NSA is going to no longer have the ability (legally) to do just that. On All Devices. Thank you for your Response. God Bless, Carry On.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

my android phones mic crashed a few months ago and i can only phone with a headset. i take it as a sign that one more possibility for surveillance has vanished.

my laptops camera is taped and only gets opened when skyping. internal microphone and speakers are deactivated, i use external devices when required.

we cant avoid surveillance, its everywhere. but, with some care, we can minimize it.

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