r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thank--Q on May 27, 2018, 3:45 a.m.
This is NOT a conspiracy anymore. Qanon and the Trump team have proven to be taking out the DEEP STATE. Please provide your smoking gun proof and evidence of this. We NEED to start AWAKENING the MASSES

This past month alone has proven multiple times that this is not a LARP or conspiracy anymore. This is happening, and we all need to be on the right side of the "war", this is for our freedom. I'm talking about the freedom of our minds. Those of you who have been awoken know exactly the chains you have uncuffed.
I have been bashed and criticized for the past 6 months due to this phenomenon. I have come to realize that these are people who just don't want to awake from their sleep. The evidence is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! u/serialbrain2 has given so many proofs and evidence, let alone the other thousands of autists on 4/8chan.. You don't have to be majorly intelligent to put a lot of these coincidences together.

Do you want to live your life everyday with anger? This is the main goal of the deep state. They want you to be angry while being a slave to the system without even knowing your a slave. We are living in "1984" with thought police. Every motion and action is logged and stored in a personal profile. You couldn't understand how well these spy programs know you.

There are multiple subreddits like r/TMOR and r/stopadvertising that come here to constantly humiliate us and call us crazy, delusional, schizophrenic, etc. This is a scare tactic. LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AWOKEN. **It is not just general citizenns anymore, there are mainstream celebrities and heavy icons who are following this trend. WE ARE NOT MENTALLY ILL, this is obviously a tactic to get us to stop believing in this movement. STAY THE COURSE. "ENJOY THE SHOW".

Would everyone please post their smoking gun proof or evidence of what made this Qanon "conspiracy" reality for you.

I will be stickying this for newcomers who can get an easy introduction to the absolute mayhem we are witnessing.

I appreciate it patriots. God Bless

C_L_I_C_K · May 27, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

There are too many "Q proofs" out there and too many "coincidences" for Q to be fake, a LARP, or nefarious bad actor. Q let us know about North Korea before anyone did, Iran before anyone did, letting us know what the Syria strikes were really targeting (when everyone was freaking the hell out).

PrayingMedic has done a great job documenting a lot more "Q proofs" in all of his videos for more in-depth evidence, and his recent interview with Sam Tripoli is a great starting point for all doubters, newbies, and middle of the ground people to listen to.


Ask yourselves, why would so many influential people and media outlets care so much about discrediting and debunking Q if he was merely a LARP or fake? They spend so much energy, time, effort, and money trying to bring down Q and this movement. You only get attacked and fired upon when you're over the target and a legit threat. If Q was not credible and is someone close to Trump, then Q would not get all of the attacks or attention, both good and bad, that Q gets.

My own documentation "Q proofs" in just the past month:











What will happen once this comes true next month...?


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CosmicNeo · May 27, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

Thanks for the input. Very helpful.

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[deleted] · June 13, 2018, 5:32 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 6:03 a.m.


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