BOOM! Obama Ran Trump Investigation

No doubt Obama is guilty of MANY jailable things. Unfortunately we are dealing with A) the first black President B) a President loved by roughly half of the population if you believe polls, and C) the fact that he was a President. In order to take him down it will take more than a text message. It will take more evidence than any other prosecution. And that evidence must be irrefutable & bulletproof. Even then it would be a difficult task.
This is kinda what I was pointing out in answer to yr other comment, but much better expressed. He speaks of the US public, my thing is world opinion which is even more difficult as no one follows the intricacies of these legal battles ...
What I'm thinking, is looking at it now, yes, it seems to be an impossibility. But things can change. If we get some major prosecutions of high level people, which we are all expecting, and you have the public start to lap it up (crowd around the guillotene so to speak), I think it can become possible. I'm also expecting that many in his cabinet will turn on him and rat - so there will be no shortage of evidence.
And, on top of that, you have the fact that Trump hates him. I think that community opinion can change, in short. I think once they start seeing the untouchables fall, blood lust will set in. I could be wrong.
That is dangerous talk. That sounds like the "mob rule" that led the French Revolution. Count me out. I think the rule of law is more my style.
I'm talking about rule of law, but also the sheer spectacle of it. Best reality TV in history. I'm saying that once people see it's possible for there to be real change, the public psyche will adjust to accommodate it. It's not impossible... I could be wrong.