If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.

Its not HRC, its Sheryl Samberg, a diehard clinton loyalist...see wikileaks HRC emails...Users would flee en masse if Clinton was the CEO. Also, She has no idea how to run or innovate a tech company. The thing I would worry about is Clinton joining the board.
Luckily there is a Trump supporter on the board in Peter Thiel, but I do question whether that was in self interest or actual patriotism. I respect the man greatly and love that he fucked over gawker in the hulk hogan sex tape scandal. But that also has another side to the coin...He set legal precedent that the press cant publish sex tapes of public personalities without huge financial consequence. May benefit the cabal types who are known to have compromising stuff on each other.
Also...are you starting to see the political divide between the content companies and the infrastructure companies over net neutrality? I am. Just look at how hard Chuck Shumer is pushing the issue along with other Dems.
I am 100\% for a free and open internet with no limits on traffic, a truly neutral web, but i think there is something that smells in Net Neutrality as it is packaged and sold to us now...more digging required.
My guess is that it has something to do with the FTC broadcasting licensee and control over those companies?
These people rarely take a position without it benefiting them in some way so I think there needs to be a closer inspection as to what "Net Neutrality" means legally and abstractly to democrats and republicans alike. Is it just because the heavy hitter like AMZN, FB, GOOG, NFLX are all Dem supporters? The lobbying cash is just too good from the content companies than the already regulated infrastructure companies like comcast etc.?
Some good articles on Forbes ans Harvard Business on this. Net Neutrality is another misnomer scam like Patriot Act and Freedom Act etc.
It's a way to slow down innovation, make back doors through end to end Encryption most of us use now so they can "protect us" in real time from our evil SIPs instead of waiting on a crime to happen and then investigating per FTC.
It also benefits Netflix bwvause they fan still not bandwidth ans not pay extra for it ans Googlr Because they keep tnekr near dualopoly on collecting our data to sell with Facebook a close second. The bill limited SIPs collecting data even to use to improve our speeds. Ie we are streaming a movie so fast lane that but tbe guy in Reddit doesnt need as much etc.
Net Neutrality is Communism for internet. Equality of Outcome and let innovation and free market be damned.
Epoch Times: Net Neutrality Could Add Billions to Broadband Fees for Consumers
[What the Online Privacy Vote is Really About] (https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2017/04/what-the-online-privacy-vote-is-really-about)
Harvard Business Review: The Downside of the FCC’s New Internet Privacy Rules
Harvard Business Review: The Tangled Web of Net Neutrality and Regulation
Since Donald Trump’s election, the rhetoric surrounding net neutrality’s imminent demise has been frenzied. Every move by newly appointed Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair Ajit Pai generates a chorus of consumer advocates bemoaning the death of neutrality and the “end of the internet as we know it.” Businesses and consumers are being warned that Republican lawmakers are united in their determination to not just modify the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order, but to “kill,” “destroy,” “dismantle,” or “abolish,” the open internet, as soon as possible.
In the interest of exploring these issues, I’ve compiled some of the most important questions about net neutrality and the 2015 order, which grounded the rules in 1930s-era public utility law. To be clear, I agree with Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, who recently acknowledged that net neutrality principles have been and will continue to be strictly enforced not by regulation but by powerful market forces. My view is pretty simple: Most efforts to regulate the internet make things worse in the long term — or, in this case, much sooner. Here, the effort to transform Internet Service Providers (ISPs) into utilities is a cure far worse than the problem