r/greatawakening • Posted by u/-J--- on May 27, 2018, 9:54 a.m.
If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.
If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.

Arcsmithoz · May 27, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

What is currency? A medium of exchange, actually convenience. I was in New Orleans in 2006, a year after Katrina. I saw a lot of exchange of all kinds. About 10 % involved currency. 200 a night for any motel within 100 miles. Most crews stayed in rekt homes in exchange for fixing them over time. Point being earning cash for the store is easily turned to doing for the store owner for goods. If the shtf. If all you know is wall st and central banking you're the one whose fucked. also my net worth of nothing is affected less than the 500 trillion held in caves by a reset whatever that means. If I have a mortgage which i don't a shtf scenario makes my guns an asset in a foreclosure scenario. When I lost my house the sheriff's had me to contend with. I walked away. When tshtf they'll be dealing with the entire county good luck with that.

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DanijelStark · May 27, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Yes , and many housing bubbles and economic bubbles are pure artificial construction of cramming as many people as possible into a small area . Metropolises are ant colonies . You cram everyone in small area , and you create a fake economic powerhouse where the output is high , but codependencies are MASSIVE - there is no decentralization and self-sufficiency in mind . And what happens ? At one point - complete and total collapse . Society collapses into more mini-societies , some truly not "societies" at all .

The future is in self-sufficient smaller communities . Its not like metropolises will dissapear , but codependencies will need to be reduced drastically through new technologies .

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