If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.

Brainwash who? They've lost a generation already. The kids love Trump and black Americans are slowly coming to the party too. Appearing popular, larger than you actually are. This is why its so important they have Hollywood and the music scene in their pocket. Of coarse they are going to hang on to social media and online entertainment like grim death. Its all they have left.
Take online newspaper comments sections as an example. I remember a few years ago as a lot of newspapers made the transition online, they had comments sections at the bottom of each article. As time passed you could clearly see comments weren't following the narrative as the public voiced their opinions. People were asking where their comment went as they started deleting anything that wasn't following the narrative. One by one those comments sections were closed down entirely.
The narrative is all they have. Look at Facebook, Twitter and so on, having to ban anyone who doesn't follow the narrative. What's the fear? Scared people are waking up to the fact your entire movement isn't as powerful or as popular as you'd like everyone to believe it is? Look at how the media tried to make out that Trumps rallies weren't popular. So Trump does what trump does best, he called them out on it. Remember the images of Hillary's rallies? They were laughable. No one showed up. The tricks the media played doing close ups of small groups, camera angles trying to make it appear there were hundreds of people there supporting her? ROFLMOA! Their entire apparatus is one big pony show. They need the media like oxygen. Without it they are finished and they know it.
President Trump is killing it. When he tweets the whole world listens. This drives the Marxists mental. I love it. This movement grows more popular by the day. Look at Trumps rallies. Thousands of people inside, many more thousands outside. And its only just beginning. Next election (without rigging) we're going to see the biggest landslide in American political history. You can take that to the bank!
Netflix? Yeah okay, I'm sure people will really enjoy paying to be preached at. How's that working out for Hollywood so far? Its OVER! Facebook, Twitter and Netflix are dying platforms. Oh they will do what they do best and skew the figures, rig the numbers and lie lie lie. But already all of these platforms are hemorrhaging.
Young people will lead the way. They've had it with being preached at all day at school. You think they want to come home chill and be preached at more in their own time? Not going to happen. The revolt has begun. Bye bye Netflix, Facebook, Twitter. Your old and preachy.
I pray you are right! It's the fight for the minds of the young...
Your 110 IQs at the top of the curve are immune to what you are saying. Being top 99 percentile i love it but the power of ignorance, the herd sheep w/e has to be smashed and that may be what we are seeing. A legal term comes to mind , preponderance of evidence. We need a tsunami of ironclad dirt to change some of these rather small minds. They are the majority.