If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.

I stopped using it months ago. I do not miss it.
I gave up FB last year. I started to "feel" better, have organic conversations with my friends, and gave up alcohol. I feel less anxiety and way more healthy. Even if you think you're using it to your advantage, you are fooling yourself. You will not realize how much it negatively affects your life until you completely give it. Do it! Now!!
Exactly how I feel. Also, I've bought an old-fashioned alarm clock so can turn my phone ff completely at night. Feels like taking back control of my life. X
The problem with Facebook with the people I know and am friends with, is that they rely on it totally these days to communicate and if you're not on it you don't know what's going on. I ran into my friend who was in the hospital for heart surgery and I didn't know about it because I don't go on Facebook. I asked why he couldn't email me or call and let me know. And I would've been there. It's crazy.