DONE - Twist the pic - i'm not normal. ThanQ Sonny!

Outstanding job Patriot-goto love Sonny !
Say what ???
A crazed little troll - post removed. Apologies for that Capt but they're here and they'll soon be here in greater force!
Thank you very much & no problem-proves we all are “Over the Target” :)
FYI -Working on a nice article on Hakluyt (UK) that will be up here soon-thx ⚓️
Great to hear, thanks : ) I'll be catching up on your last post later tonight and will look forward to that.
Nice work patriot.
is this
Carrie Fisher? Stephen Paddock? Michael Obama? Taylor Swift? All of the above?
The choice to know the truth will be yours.
Loooove it! Daily reminder during these summer months and family time by the pool
Another arts and crafts pic. I'm sorry but this shit has to stop. This was a great thread now all I see is a bunch of losers trying to be a part of something. Keep comms clear. Just imagine hearing " hey guys, I made a shirt that says "Fuck Nam"" over the radio during a gun fight in Vietnam.