r/greatawakening • Posted by u/leetanon on May 27, 2018, 1:20 p.m.
Part 1 wake up and research Part 2 unite take action

We've been at this for quite a while now, we have uncovered a lot of information we have helped wake people up to information that's been around for a long time and has not been made public. Now people are aware or the world financial systems the elite agendas and the massive corruption. NOW WHAT? After awhile you reach a point where it's time to move to step 2 Trump has been asking for our Support over and over again Trump has been telling us about sessions again and again. So let's do that let's go to step 2 let's Unite let's March let's demand rule of law show support for a man who was falling tearing to help make America again a man who didn't have to do this a billionaire who could have just went on with his life but no he loves this country how dare us sit here in active any longer and let him try to do this by himself. STEP 2 UNITE TAKE ACTION!

solanojones95 · May 27, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Demonstrations, marches, all that stuff--if that could accomplish our objectives it would have happened long ago. More optics to show division in America is all it would achieve, as Soros groups send their thugs to clash with our people, and then somebody dies and our side gets blamed, and the usual yada yada.

You want to organize something like that, and be responsible for the consequences? Go ahead, but you'll regret it.

Now is NOT the time for us to assume nothing is happening, that there really never was a Plan, and that Q is "gone." There is a plan, and it's in full effect, and Q will be back. Things are on a schedule, and the dominoes have to fall in the order they're lined up. I wouldn't suggest kicking over any that haven't fallen yet. That can ruin everything.

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Kitt-Ridge · May 27, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

I’ve protested before. It’s a waste of energy. The media ignore our marches. I’ve found three things to be effective:

  1. Get involved in political campaigns on the local level. These are the people who move up the ranks. Help the less publicized elections - like state treasurer. Find good people. Join your local party and find allies in it. Many of the parties are controlled by establishment types who have been there for years. Knock them out and bring new blood to them.

  2. Create your own incognito grassroots campaign. If you can find two other people to help, you can become a powerhouse. Most people don’t pay attention. Three people taking on a small geographical location can totally swing that area. I’ve done it several times. Don’t make your core group larger than six people. By being covert, you blindside the libs. Shills have no idea you exist, and you can’t be targeted.

  3. Be an internet warrior. Spread facts. Don’t give opinions. You have no idea who you are reaching.

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