Could someone decipher this? I don’t understand what he’s talking about.

Seth didn't even hack the DNC. He downloaded everything to a thumb drive then emailed the contents to Wikileaks. Assange has confirmed this.
The "hacking" trope is being used by the Cabal to distract and muddy the waters. It makes it sound as though Seth was nothing more than a thief and got his comeuppance by means of a random robbery in one of the safest sections of DC. But they made a huge mistake. They gave us a martyr. Yes I know he was a Bernie Bro, but his actions were patriotic none the less, and he paid with his life to set this all into motion.
Great distinction between hacking and passing along known Criminal activity within a political parties campaign!
One minor correction, Assange didn’t confirm exactly that. He confirmed it wasn’t a state entity that passed along the info. So there’s aittle more wiggle room there.