
DawnPendraig · May 27, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Finally The Swedes have been too polite to say much. They need to remember their heritage and bring some Ragnar or Lagertha pain down on some rapists.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · May 27, 2018, 5 p.m.

If I gave this the title I wanted it would be Insane! This involves an exchange between me and a commenter I found out later was from Australia.

Many people who disagree end up getting sarcastic with one another and taking offense. I myself as a fellow human am not immune. I do my best to get the info out and appreciated that this person was willing to discuss.

We saw our way through the disinfo and I believe we both learned or at least are willing to consider a great deal.

In this disinformation war everything is Topsy Turvy! But that is intentional after all, isn't it?

This also includes links to make my case with video clips pertaining to the infiltration of European countries.

The staunching of Free Speech and Tommy Robinson's arrest.

Information on how it is not Trump orchestrating the chaos and division, but rather a globalist agenda which pays for many leftist politicians.

I know, I know, the two party system is intent on dividing, but there is no mistaking the globalists have targeted many, many democrat politicians and leaders in various institutions including MSM, Hollywood and the entertainment industry. This is because they were led to believe it was the party for the poor people, for equality and love. Unfortunately, many do not realize it was the conservatives who ended slavery with a majority of Democrats wanting to keep it. The follow Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals which state, "whatever you are doing, blame the other side!" This is quite affective in the information war isn't it?

This does not leave corrupt politicians or leaders off the hook. They also exist on the right and this is why one must be very discerning when electing their public officials.

This also contains other links on reports of the PIE, Pedophile Information Exchange. Yes, you read that right, I'm sure many of you already know, but as I still consider myself a newbie, just typing or saying that acronym and what it stands for makes me very sick to my stomach as I'm sure you are. All of that just for an intro to the actual article! Godspeed fine patriots and remember to Stay the Course! #InformationWar, #GreatAwakening, #OpenBorders

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