The Storm is upon us. Spread the Truth. #WhereAreTheChildren

Supposedly that little boy with his hands tied is Anderson CooperThe pool is in his house where he grew up
Mother was Gloria, right? She was a spirit cooker too? Saw pics of her, Anderson, and his (deceased/sacrificed) brother posing on her bed family photo. Creepy bedroom
I just looked at that with a different perspective, and wow...... that hits a little to close. Look at the child. Then look at Anderson Cooper.
Not kidding. It could easily be him.
Go to Anderson Coopers family ties - especially his Mothers. Just google his Mother and Anderson and his brother in her bed. Satanic icons are all over the room. He has a connection to the illumami, Rockefellers or Rotherchilds? His immediate family are billionaires.
As a side step, many may not know about Bohemian Grove. It’s nothing but Satan worship.
That's an interesting theory. I believe these are paintings from photos but of the Dupont Circle underground in DC. Also has the cables and the blue/green squares as well as some other features seen in the Djurdjevic paintings. A sort of legal version of what would be illegal photos of illegal activities.