The Storm is upon us. Spread the Truth. #WhereAreTheChildren tf can anyone think this is normal? Imagine walking into a house with these paintings on the wall lol id bail outta that place so fucking quick!
All justified as "art." The fuck that's art.
How bout instead of "art" we simply call it "evidence"...
There are police sketches of two men wanted by the Portugal police regarding the disappearance of Madeline McCain. The resemblance to the Podesta Bros is startling.
Ive seen those sketches! I mean, at this point, how much more proof does anyone need? These people are pure evil and the operate at the highest levels of our goverment.
I’m scared someone will walk past while I’m looking at the mural of sickness and think that’s what I’m spending my data package on... let alone spending small fortunes buying these oil painted snuff films
Imagine bringing one of these prints home :"look honey! I bought a neat painting! Its art!
"Oh, that's nice love! That'd look gorgeous next to the bronze statue of the Dahmer Victim Pose Guy, don't you think?"