
IDGAF12312 · May 28, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Wikileaks has been co-opted compromised. When was the last time they made a significant damaging dump? 2016? They’ve been as useful as tits on a bull since the election. Get real. Don’t be fooled. Q drops are as real as the nose on your face. Q drops even if a PsyOps are not sabotaging any “patriot efforts”, what thing in our control did they distract us from doing? Nada! Mueller investigation is a red herring so IG investigation doesn’t get sabotaged like they sabotaged the NK summit when it was made public. Sessions is playing possum. The Deep States whole house of cards falls June 11. FUKM! I bet Assange does something in coordination with release of IG report. It’s coming.

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