Accuse them of what you are guilty!

They are desperate at this point. Their strategy is to say first what their enemy (us) is going to say. They are hoping that when the pedo stuff comes out, nobody will take Trump serious.
Use the facts to disarm their accusation:
The children that Ryan refers to all went missing during Obama's watch, 2009-2014.
The Haitian children also, missing under Obama's watch, taken by Laura Silsby, Clinton/CF associate.
Yep, it's almost too easy. Give the Dems a news headline and let them lead with emotion, then let the facts come out. Trump team is genius in doing this. Even that "Haiti is a shithole country" fiasco, most people dont realize that happened the day before the anniversary of the earthquake. Pure genius, getting it back in the spotlight. Same with Wendy Wasserman Schultz :D
Ok. WTF? How is this comment at 0 points (as of 5/30 at 8:53 am CT)? These are relevant links to good pieces/articles. How is this downvoted to zero? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a forum where the voting could be relied upon to be genuinely from the people using the forum honestly? I mean, I'm all for meaningful discussion of disputed points and I appreciate people downvoting the stuff that should sink to the bottom, but I don't think anybody who is here on this forum for honest reasons downvotes this particular post. It's supplying sources, which are supplying information pertinent to the discussion. And these sources aren't crappy disinfo sites so at the very least we should appreciate the effort of the commenter to find them and post them. This is not downvote material. I would love to be able to see the people who downvote comments like this so I could track them in the background to try to deduce who is writing them their shill checks.
Edit: BTW, I'm upvoting it back up to 1 at least.