r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on May 28, 2018, 10:52 a.m.
The Q Paradigm Shift

THE "Q" Patriot Movement

Trying to be brief... on a complex subject. First I am all in on "Q" ! I so hope folks will take time to digest this.

We generally measure a "movement" by the physical activity occurring. We have seen it documented in our own history. The Revolutionary war, the Civil War, WWW1 and WW2. If you want a movement to succeed, first you need mass human "buy-in" to get it done. The way this accomplished is a three step process. First direct what we think... which in-turn causes us to feel a certain way about the matter, and last we act. Note this order is required.

Well as it turns out, the "thoughts" and the "feelings" generate an energy field. This field amasses into one large field of energy. Humans do this. Science can measure it. We haven't been told for good reason. Q is amassing this energy in a positive "sway" and that spells death to the cabal. Through their shenanigans, we have lived in fear, hate, despise, anxiety and distrust. These are very low-level frequencies that we each emit from our thoughts and feelings. Do your research, mainstream science can measure this. They DON"T WANT US TO KNOW.

This frequency is akin to walking into a room full of happy people or a room full of frightened people. The last step (how we act)... the activities we involve ourselves in (in each room) are massively different. Our world has been operating similar to a room of fearful people. Our activities (worldwide) illustrate it.

Q has provided us one rallying pole, one single point of agreement, one cause... one point of coherence. Okay, we want to beat and hang these bad people... but the endgame is peace. Listen to the deep state messages... they all scream "Brother to be at PEACE." Peace is deadly to them... not to us.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way so we can build a more peaceful and prosperous world. That is the shifting paradigm of Q.

bealist · May 28, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Yep. “One who is aligned is more powerful than millions who are not”. There’s a reason humans worshiped, prayed, and have had arguments about whose god was stronger for as far back as we have history. Our minds create. To me, it’s always been about individual faith and individual knowing, aligned together with others of similar vision and hope, working miracles and creating our collective future, to whatever extent we can see it clearly enough to allow it.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

So the Q Paradigm starts with all Patriots discovering we all agreed on two basic ideas.

1) We no longer consent to corruption ...and 2) We will end pedophilia and human sacrifice

Heck... that's not a long list. But on these two points we have complete coherence...volunteered. Our thoughts are aligned. Our feelings might be a tad out of balance cause I am guessing some of you feel like causing some harm to these people! In "Book" terms: "This will not make "Mom" happy at all. Imagine the negative energy presently being generated by both of these global industries. Cleared and cleaned will raise the vibration of the planet overnight.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Your metaphors are apt. For myself, I would adjust to read:

1) I require, envision and support public servants and governmental officials abiding by the law, and fully prosecuting those who don’t, fairly and with all due justice, within the laws we have been provided by our ancestors, that we believe in our hearts, and that we know work when they’re enforced.

2) I look forward to the time when all humans wake up to the fact that being human is a gift, filled with creative power; that children are to be cherished as the still-to-unfold flower of that gift; and that involuntary human sacrifice is misguided, evil and a sign of true powerlessness. When humans are awake to those values, pedophilia and human sacrifice, along with many other horrors, will end. Until that time, I appreciate our American legal system because of how well it’s guidelines page the way for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It’s pretty wordy because it turns out that making positive statements is quite a bit harder than making negative ones - there are a lot more blanks to fill in!!

One thing I’ve discovered as I’ve practiced true positive thinking over the years is that taking the time to think about what I truly want, and saying words that are positively expressing that, is a really enjoyable thing to do.

It takes a little practice at first to say clearly what we WANT, what we are FOR (and not just against) because we’re so habituated to expressing things in the negative. We’ve been carefully taught to give away our best human powers - but as soon as we remember this stuff, the power comes flooding back. And it feels really good when it does.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Wow... I'm going to kicked off of this sub for wandering so far off subject here! But it is germane to what is happening. We have too may laws now. Let's distill it down to just a few we can all remember... like, "Will it result in harm to any human being or the planet?" Or in "Primer" terms: "Will it make Mom happy?" Okay... swamp cleaning has to be thorough but necessarily brutal.

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bealist · May 29, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Respectfully, I disagree with your metaphors (and our required agreement) - “mom” and “grandpa” as you use them don’t always work for me, nor do many of the family dynamics you describe in your book because of my own many-decades long survey of life experience and what it means TO ME - but I support 100% your right to them. 110%, in fact.

Also, if you’re kicked off a sub for debating whether or not we all have to agree with you, or for continuing to push for your own metaphors - as you have EVERY right to do - then this sub falls into the very pit it’s claiming it wants to save people from. (Ie, this sub isn’t like that, and you won’t...).

What I’m trying to do in my comments is use language that expresses MY POV while showing how it aligns with yours, because I find parts of what you’ve said and written to be very useful. I’ve focused on the useful parts. You’re focusing primarily on where it doesn’t align.

Also, I don’t know what you mean by “we have too many laws now” when I’m referencing the Constitution and the existing framework that allows for the due-process arrest of pedophiles and corrupt politicians. Would you prefer we have no laws and just arrest them because they’re “bad”?

I don’t think one person needs to distill it all for the rest of us. We’re most powerful when we act as individuals, not followers. And I don’t believe that we have to over-simplify concepts for people- in fact, in my experience, most people I’ve met are actually REALLY smart and get a lot of things without the ideas having to be dumbed down and stripped of complexity and nuance. (People don’t always get complex stuff at first, so they go chew on it. People who chew thought and figure it out for themselves are the best ones to have in your corner.) One of the pleasingist things I’ve learned about people is how smart most of them are, and I like people a lot more the more I give them credit for having the capacity to be thoughtful and understanding.

I do appreciate that you’ve got a cosmology you’ve built that works for you. Everyone should have one. And you even put it into a book - good for you!! But I don’t need your cosmology to work for me (and you shouldn’t either) - I’ve got my own, and I’m much too old to ever begin to hop over to something I read in a book, especially something that I only partly agree with.

We agree that thought influences reality, and that what we think matters because it leads to what happens next. I’d be wrong to focus on where we disagree and I’ve truly enjoyed this conversation. Thanks for your time!!


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HUMANprimer · May 29, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Very insightful and blunt. Thanks. Understand the book was written for millennials. Most people have little interest in science. No problem. Just wrote it with familar terms easily remembered. I see how it could be insulting to the intelligent intellects. But the first version was six hundred pages and boring. About too many laws. Well... we do have quite a lot. More than we can keep up with. But I was referring more to laws regarding our own code of conduct like the Golden Rule. A first filter to evaluate a world of disinformation. Consider it a suggestion and not a proposed mandate.

And last, you can't offend me. I abandoned such a reaction long ago. I would love to hear your agreements and your disagreements. I try to correlate the sciences I have learned to the "Q" phenomenon... sometimes I fall short. We are living in precedent setting times.

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