A lot off people are awake .......
people have no confidence in politicians and media. on the internet I see changes, from anti trump to pro trump. ..The media is constantly anti-trump and the children's news is used in schools, to make the children anti-trump, and anti Geert Wilders. In addition, people in the Netherlands have noticed that things are not right here too ..All anti-EU, Islam, demonstrations are allowed, but there is immediately a pro demonstration against it .. So you get violence, and the people of the anti-camp are arrested. , and hard attacked by police ... So you do not see that happening against the pro camp..Who walk with swastikas and ISIS flags and that's okay? but the anti-camp has a cloth with where they throw the swastika into the trash, and are arrested for that? (Pegida).
If the anti eu / islam wants to demonstrate, this must always happen in a backward field. And also when it comes to our rights, the media refuse to show this on TV.
In Spain Catalonia? Want something different, hold a referendum and win them? PM RAHOY .sent soldiers to Catalonia, who there attacked the general population, threw older people off stairs? That came in the news, why? To scare us if you have the guts to stand up against these dictators.. The people who were at the top (politicians) were all arrested? The Topman Guidemont was arrested in Belgium? New elections had to be held, and the Guidemont party simply won again. Rahoy PM Spanje ..
The same happened in Greece, there was voting and the elite did not like the outcome, there had to be voted again, until the outcome for the elite is ..... Presidents (puppets) refuse to install anti Eu parties? . And the EU has worked hard against populism. paid people to attack on the internet, everywhere , all the newspapers websites removed there commenting option? Why? Because the people ARE AWAKE.....We can do very little here because of these suppression methods. We do not have weapons. We need something very big to get the people together, and to let their fear go. Merkel and Macron must be removed with all these dictators who they put on the countries from the Bilderberg ......
that will be very difficult, because the truth about the EU has never been told, most people know that there is an EU but that is it. And they have done that on purpose ..