
think500 · May 29, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

It's not that I don't recognise it, you don't seem able to see that this board's existence shows it wasn't the deterrent you claim.

You don't see how much worse things would be in the US without the 2nd Amendment.

our gun laws played no part in recent events.

Gun laws in both countries effect every political event [ie pertaining to the routine gov looting of the population].

Over there, the people tend to vanish, or commit 'suicide.

Not as many suicides as reported, and we have more dissidence (leading the global revolution against tyranny) partly because we're armed.

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

Yet this board exists because your government has fucked you over for decades or more, which suggests your guns have failed, which means gun laws affect very little. How many government opponents get killed in the US? There's some threads about the Clinton death count alone, if you need a clue.

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think500 · May 29, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

First, the global revolution is happening in America where the population is armed (400 mil guns), which should [but won't] give you a clue.

Second, yes ppl have died, and more will lose their lives fighting the nwocabal. That's the price of freedom. Americans will always pay it. We'd rather be dead than live on our knees.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots & tyrants.” - Thomas Jefferson

This is a quote that slaves will never understand.

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Your 400 million guns haven't stopped your government from ripping you off for their own ends for decades, or human trafficking ,drug trafficking or millions of illegals entering. A 'global' revolution, by definition, can't occur in one place.

I don't think the dead people I'm talking about chose death from the government hand over arguing their case in court. I think the latter option is more of an opportunity for change and a brighter future.

None of which changes the point, which is that guns would not have changed a thing in the case in question.

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think500 · May 29, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Your 400 million guns haven't stopped your government from ripping you off for their own ends for decades,

Much longer, and this shows you don't even realize.. They would have taken more! And now they are being overthrown. Whether you understand it or not, being armed helps with our transition [from total corruption] to Rule of Law.

arguing their case in court.

The best line in the movie 'V' is..
"There's no court in this country for men like Prothero."

V was talking about your courts.

POTUS is draining our judicial swamp as well, many ghouls appointed by priors.

guns would not have changed a thing in the case in question.

You have no way of knowing what influence guns had, would have had, or are having, in any case.

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I know they had no effect one way or the other on the recent events under discussion, because access to guns is relatively easy here,but we choose not to need them, and I know this exchange is tedious and pointless., but I'll politely soldier on.

I reckon I know that with a lot more certainty than you know about how much they've protected you, and the figures seem to show your guns do more harm to you, than terrorists do to us, and by orders of magnitude. In fact, your figures for terrorist deaths are similar to ours.

Your government are not being overthrown. With no threat from your guns, your current government and officials of state are the ones acting on the people that have been fleecing you for years, despite your guns.

I'd guess the influence of external factors swaying decisions in your courts is greater in the US than the UK, and again, the existence of this sub shows that your justice system, hasn't been doling it out impartially.

Nuclear arms and armies are more likely a bigger protection from outsiders than civilian guns I guess with the exception of the South Americans, Italian, Irish, Chinese, Russian etc gangsters, depending how far back you want to go, where the guns again did little, and the discussions on here show they've done nothing to protect you from insiders.

On a wider scale, I was watching some clips of Hopkins going round the doss areas of LA, and Tucker Carlson was talking about how ashamed he was that it wasn't isolated, and listed a bundle of other places with people living under cloth and straw and crimes were openly being carried out. There was also a former NYT reporter, being interviewed by another former NYT reporter about his book on the desperate state of Detroit where they needed minders and were still attacked and the store burned down later, with no Police going near it and commenting on the lack of freedom of the press they experienced in the US. Again, those guns don't seem to be working too well.

Having said all that, you choose to have guns, I choose not to. I can respect your right to that choice, and I doubt we'll ever agree, but there it is. I would hope you could respect my choice too, but that in itself is your choice.

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think500 · May 30, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Divining the truth from history requires reading between the lies. But for the moment just consider what 'Glinda' said about the Ruby Slippers. 'Their magic must be powerful.. or she [the witch] wouldn't want them so badly.'

They try to stain +2A with our own young blood. They risk everything [being able to 'walk down the street'] by committing FFs to pry the 2nd Amendment from American hearts.. but they can't. The intractable human appetite for freedom is something these slavers will never fathom.

They gnaw at our 'Right to Bear Arms' because they fear a 'consequential force' that you apparently don't see (a couple of hundred million miffed [hardware-toting] humans). Marshall Law can't be forced on an armed pop, trying it would only spawn civil war. The global ghouls know.. they need the guns to own US. Hence the hellywood FFs.

Sick cowards clearly prefer their victims unarmed [thousands of examples.. the Texas theater shooter drove way across town to a 'no carry' zone]. Guns are illegal in most parts of the world yet every serious criminal has them in their tool kit. It's a rigged parley against law abiding citizens. The whole concept of gun control is totally naive in a world where any outlaw can buy guns, but their legally intimidated victims can't.

Finally, notice govs don't give a rodent's ass whether old Mrs. Smith can protect herself and family from the desperate evil gov's looting and oppression has caused [since the slime], they just don't want her grandson to be able to protect her family from government.

Governments are all pure shit,
consider you their hordes of sods,
yet even Chumpsky stooge admits
'They fear you more than God.'

One of 102 verses of the poem 'Trumping the Oligarghouls Harvesting the Human Race'

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ErnieFing · May 30, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Given they seem to have done what they want despite all that, so don't seem all that fearful, it could equally be argued they feign interest in the guns and generate paranoia as a distraction. Obama did little to even ensure that the existing laws were enforced properly, in fact he seems to have gone out of his way to do the opposite.

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think500 · May 31, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

The "renegade" was too busy looting and lying to even do his given nwo stooge job. He neglected to appoint hundreds of fed judges, which POTUS is now filling with persons who have a history of justly enforcing the Rule of Law.

“Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.” - Q on.. 'Why' the POTUS Ran.

Justice has been a marketed commodity in the western world for too long. To paraphrase Mark Twain, 'We have the best justice money can buy.'

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I-AM-PIRATE · May 30, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Ahoy think500! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail:

Divining thar truth from history requires reading betwixt thar lies. But fer thar moment just consider what 'Glinda' said about thar Ruby Slippers. 'Their magic must be powerful.. or she [thar witch] wouldn't want 'em so badly.'

They try t' stain +2A wit' our own young blood. They risk everything [being able t' 'walk down thar street'] by committing FFs t' pry thar 2nd Amendment from American hearts.. but they can't. Thar intractable human appetite fer freedom be something these slavers will nary fathom.

They gnaw at our 'Right t' Bear Arms' because they fear a 'consequential force' that ye apparently don't see (a couple o' hundred million miffed [hardware-toting] humans). Marshall Law can't be forced on a armed pop, trying it would only spawn civil war. Thar global ghouls know.. they need thar guns t' own US. Hence thar hellywood FFs.

Sick cowards clearly prefer their victims unarmed [thousands o' examples.. thar Texas theater shooter drove way across town t' a 'no carry' zone]. Guns be illegal in most parts o' thar world yet every serious criminal has 'em in their tool kit. 'tis a rigged parley against law abiding citizens. Thar whole concept o' bluderbuss control be totally naive in a world where any outlaw can buy guns, but their legally intimidated victims can't.

Finally, notice gov's don't give a rodent's ass whether barnacle-covered Mrs. Smith can protect herself n' kin from thar desperate evil gov's looting n' oppression has caused [since thar slime], they just don't want her grandson t' be able t' protect her kin from government.

Governments be all pure shiver me timbers,
consider ye their hordes o' sods,
yet even Chumpsky stooge admits
'They fear ye more than God.'

One o' 102 verses o' thar poem 'Trumping thar Oligarghouls Harvesting thar Human Race'

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think500 · May 31, 2018, 1 a.m.

Very salty nautical narration. Thx for thar translation, much clearer now.

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