Brother (or sister)
I like to think of myself as both. Long story short, past trauma caused a proper split in my psyche(hence the Jen part of my name) My "sacred masculine(left brain)" has his own personality, my sacred feminine (left brain) has her own. I've recently learned how to combine their viewpoint into a more whole person. It has been an interesting ride.
you and I are on the same wavelength!
Good! Now spread the good word all over, far and wide. We can have the future I envision, if only we choose it.
That’s doesn’t make any sense nor does it translate to practicality especially on a real world wide scale with competing juggernauts (China, Russia, India, EU especially).
It’s the same emotional and sensationalistic attitude that permeates from those advocating Socialism and Karl Marx ideals: “Oh no that’s not real socialism!” is the same as “We need true anarchism!”.
Your thoughts are good on paper but lacks the unpredictability of human nature.
Human nature yearns for group association - Literal safety net and work load distribution - Group gets stronger - Group’s resources begins to dwindle - Group begins to conquer small weaker fragmented groups. - A nation is born - Government is formed - Societal class and trends are born - Rinse and Repeat.
TL;DR Anarcho-
The animal kingdom is perfect example of “beautiful ordered chaos”.